Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Blame a metropolis for all the greed (8) RAPACITY {RAP}{A}{CITY}
5 Announced country's development, primarily (6) STATED {STATE}{De...t}
10 Just follow an ex-PM to this place in London (7) MAYFAIR {FAIR}<=>{MAY}
11 Foreign trade - company follows modern-style architecture (3,4) ART DECO {TRADE*}{CO}
12 Current doctor provided initial treatment (5) DRIFT {DR}{IF}{Tr...t}
13 Avoid routes meant for Arctic air transport (3-6) SKI-PLANES {SKIP}{LANES}
14 One with money has orderly routine to follow, it's too small to notice (12) ANTINEUTRINO {AN}{TIN}{ROUTINE*}
18 Could be shifted - room to detect small stuff (5,7) CLOUD CHAMBER {COULD*}{CHAMBER}
21 Grown up, essentially very, very immoral person (9) ADULTERER {ADULT}{vERy}{vERy}
23 She is surrounded by us in this location (5) W?E?E ()
24 Well-built side - detailed nourishment for the sick (4,3) BEEF TEA {BEEFy TEAm}
25 Bar those who are antidemocratic, antinational at heart (7) CANTINA [T]
26 Mob went crazy as women left for Bury (6) ENTOMB {MOB+wENT}*
27 Willing to stop being in debt (8) ENDOWING {END}{OWING}
1 I'm ready to go out - not a solution (6) REMEDY {ME} in {REaDY}*
3 Tense working in an African country - is subdued (9) CHASTENED {CHA{TENSE*}D}
4 Professional dancer to perform - panic in Rocherster, perhaps (14) TERPSCICHOREAN {PANIC+ROCHESTER}* Typo in Rochester
6 Complete selling oil in France (5) TOTAL Anno not clear
7 Dog houses - born and brought up as a wooden peg (8) TREENAIL {TR{NEE<=}AIL}
8 Comes down fuming - see it played in court (4,4) DROP SHOT {DROPS}{HOT}
9 To remain an active revolutionary, one has to be in a way, brave (6,8) NATIVE AMERICAN*
16 Extremely symbolic gathering for a game (8) SCRABBLE {Sy...iC}{RABBLE}
17 Parthenon, say, captures Greek character in a jiffy (8) MONUMENT {MO{NU}MENT}
19 House with a small car below empty garage (6) GEMINI {MINI}<=>{Ga..gE}
22 Starting to temporarily accommodate a pole (5) TOTEM [T]
Reference List
Money = TIN, Women = W, Born = NEE, Only = O