Thursday 22 February 2018

No 12247, Thursday 22 Feb 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 7D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Airing rubbish about eastern country (7) NIGERIA {NIG{E}RIA*}
5   Opportunity provided by most of church area (6) CHANCE CHANCEl
9   Good Samaritan's son refined limitlessly (5) SAINT {S}{dAINTy}
10 Reckon US State's copper's not on schedule (9) CALCULATE {CAL}{CU}{LATE}
11 Old female staves off insults (7) OFFENDS {O}{F}{FENDS}
12 Ring State TV employees for launching the unmatched piece (7) ODDMENT {O}{DD MEN}{The}
13 You in Delhi return a length of fine material (5) TULLE {TU}{ELL<=}
14 Have a difficult time on a recalcitrant mount (4,5) RIDE ROUGH [C&DD]
16 Initial mistake of a fielder (5,4) FIRST SLIP {FIRST} {SLIP}
19 Cobra twists around a tree (5) CAROB*
21 Standard from 1947: "For the dear ___ ___, I die" (3,4) OLD FLAG [FITB]
23 Desire to leave head on the payroll (7) EARNING yEARNING
24 Peak that David and Anne reached excitedly (5,4) NANDA DEVI*

Mt. Nanda Devi.jpg

25 Hesitate to leave female in change (5) ALTER fALTER
26 Priest slams badly-written songs (6) PSALMS {P}{SLAMS*}
27 New entertainer with no hard, strange drink (7) NOSTRUM {N}{hOST}{RUM}

1   Upset by the rise of Sone? (4,3,2,5) NOSE OUT OF JOINT {SONE}* [RA]
2   Frenchman possesses brief news that is worthwhile (7) GAINFUL {GA{INFo}UL}
3   Regret about Erode's first container train (7) RETINUE {R{Er..e}{TIN}UE}
4   A home footloose Raj left houses the first of clan from the family tree (9) ANCESTRAL {A}{N{Clan}EST}{RAj}{L}
5   Pen on old instrument (5) CELLO {CELL}{O}
6   Like two foreign articles — in pieces (7) ASUNDER {AS}{UN}{DER}
 It goes on head of man — fellow late in starting (7) C?A?E?U (Addendum - CHAPEAU {CHAP}{bEAU} - See comments))
8   Make a loud noise by playing tavil perhaps (4,3,3,4) BEAT THE BIG DRUM [C&DD]
15 Power having cut all round in view of shortage in supply (9) DEPLETION {DE{P}LETION} Semi&lit
17 Squirrels and rats, for example, run over holes (7) RODENTS {R}{O}{DENTS}
18 Such a narrative holds back nothing (4-3) TELL-ALL [CD]
19 Accountants go round red ship for body (7) CARCASS {CA}{R}{CA}{SS}
20 One put in list to revel (7) ROISTER {RO{1}STER}
22 Reckon visitors spilt tea (5) GUESS GUEStS


The news:
Some papers might BEAT THE BIG DRUM and publish it.
The name:
NANDA DEVI, a tradition bound young woman.
The incident:
Nanda's ANCESTRAL SAINT helped her in securing a plum GAINFUL job. She had a ROUGH RIDE in the first few days. But she didn't want to lose the CHANCE of a lifetime. The first EARNING woman in her community!
But  then what is news worthy?
Something that put THE NOSE OUT OF JOINT.
GUESS what Nanda Devi did with her first salary? 
"Nanda goes to the mall (after receiving her first salary) with RETINUE and buys her ????? ???? (5,4)"


  1. 13A- Why 'you'? I read it as UT=< (Delhi) (ELL=<)

  2. 12A- "State TV" for DD was simple and good.

  3. Still don't get it. Delhi is UT,right?

  4. 7D CHAPEAU (fellow:Chap) unsure how eau is derived from late in starting.

  5. Could not get the role of 'rise' in 1 down.

    1. I took it as &lit.
      Upset: out of joint
      Rise = evolve/spread* indicator of sone.

  6. 7D) Man = CHAP; Fellow = Beau; late in starting is to leave out letter B in Beau;
    Solution is CHAPEAU

  7. 15d def in my understanding is "power having cut"
    from merriam-webster online
    deplete: : to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value

    1. My intention was as the Col has indicated. P (power) in DEPLETION (cut).Def as shown in the blog.

  8. If he is a cricketer, he is likely to be bought by an IPL franchisee.

  9. Wow! For the story,cartoon and the answer.

  10. What a picture for Nanda Devi,Col.! It almost looks like a live volcano.
