Sunday 12 November 2017

The Sunday Crossword No 2969, Sunday 12 Nov 2017

1    Fast, funny lines, so deadpan (14) EXPRESSIONLESS {EXPRESS}{LINES+SO}*
8    Unorthodox man with muscular movement breaking concrete (9) HERETICAL {HE}{RE{TIC}AL}
9    Gives up thrills (5) KICKS [DD]
11 Singing group from Switzerland or around Italy (5) CHOIR {CH}{O{I}R}
12 Grain scattered in enclosure for fish (8) STINGRAY {GRAIN}* in {STY}
14 Soldier with lament missing last lover (8) PARAMOUR {PARA}{MOURn}
15 Irritation caused by trench lacking depth (4) ITCH dITCH
18 Excited back before start of game (4) AGOG {AGO}{Game}
19 Inept act working for meagre payment (8) PITTANCE*
22 Appeal by spiritual novice (8) BEGINNER {BEG}{INNER}
23 Colour for all to see in strip of material (5) TAUPE {TA{U}PE}
25 Condemn revolutionary painting? Be quiet (5) TRASH {ART<=}{SH}
26 Display power in second challenge, ousting king (9) SPECTACLE {S{P}EC}{TACkLE}
27 I'm afraid a gala's out of order in unfinished church (7,7) SAGRADA FAMILIA* Thanks to Google

1    Singular quote coming up about hard morality (6) ETHICS {S}{CI{H}TE}<=
2    Theatre upset with composition involving new organ, sadly undesirable (7,3,5) PERSONA NON GRATA {REP<=}{SONA {N+ORGAN}*TA}
3    Superficial, relentless, securing vote (8) EXTERNAL {X}{ in {ETERNAL}
4    Poorly covered by basic kilt (4) SICK [T]
5    Vicious bile to assess and eliminate (10) OBLITERATE {BILE+TO}*{RATE}
6    Taste defeat, caught out (6) LIKING LIcKING
7    UN institution cruel cynic is out to change (8,7) SECURITY COUNCIL*
10 Small article cut by edges of curvy tool (6) SCYTHE {S}{CurvY}{THE}
13 Reporters in funny drama almost flattened (10) COMPRESSED {COM{PRESS}EDy}
16 Religious leader with time for poor player (6) RABBIT {RABBI}{T}
17 Servant following law supported by part of Bible with doubtful expression (8) FACTOTUM {F}{ACT}{OT}{UM}
20 An endless job providing source of stability (6) ANCHOR {AN}{CHORe}
21 Information on eastern half of vast city (6) GENEVA {GEN}{E}{VAst}
24 Ridge in portion of sail (4) REEF [DD]



  1. Thank you Col. for clearing a few doubts in parsing.
    Even before that, needed a few references. Trying to fit in 'ST' in 21D, being 'Eastern half of vast'!

  2. 27A - This is vividly described in the Dan Brown's recent novel 'Origin'

  3. Yes, Dan Brown specialises in such things.

  4. 9th round:1 mistake. Blast it!

    1. Oh my God!
      Hope it doesn't impact your chances. Good Luck!
      I took nearly 44 minutes to complete this round

    2. I took 35 minutes but had this one letter typo

    3. How come? Did you realize later after SUBMIT? Parvaah nahin ! It happens to all ! Like for me on the second round.

    4. I recheck the answers after submitting and discovered to my horror this typo!

    5. pre-mortem should be the dictum ! I took Paddy's advice to recheck before SUBMIT and even induct my wife to read out the answers for my clues ! The software wears out your patience (is that its intention by the organizers ?) as each letter keyed in must be checked before you leap-frog on to the next blog. You feel like a poop discovering a post-mortem erratum !

    6. Raju Sir you are quite inimitable- and I am just smiling away at the turns in your phrases!

    7. pre-mortem,for one! Had me wondering for a while.

    8. Hilarious Raju :)! Vasant I just checked... you are so far ahead, a reverse in one round is not going to matter. Last round, just play safe, and you will be through! Well done indeed :)

  5. 70 mins. Feel it is tough for me

    1. If you have completed it, how could it have been tough ? 70 minutes is ok as you were very careful, Ram. Cheers to all those who have submitted correctly !

  6. Thanks for your kind words Raju Sir.

  7. Typo in answer to 5d needs fixing.
