Saturday 18 November 2017

No 12166, Saturday 18 Nov 2017, Gridman


1. Unprepared, looking back, Nepal orders fighting machine (8) WARPLANE {RAW<=}{NEPAL*}
5. PAC men hasten to set up tents (6) ENCAMP {PAC MEN}*
9. Fellows add the score in the mind (8) MENTALLY {MEN}{TALLY}
10. Eminence backing withdrawn trap is bad (6) ROTTEN {TOR<=}{NET<=}
12. Story-teller's track is recalled (4) LIAR {RAIL<=}
13. Ignore me on a tour of part of a ship (6,4) ENGINE ROOM {IGNORE ME ON}*
15. Stick with learner to get crayon (6) PASTEL {PASTE}{L}
17. Stunner from vile teachers after exit of revolutionary (5) TASER {TEAcheRS}*
20. King, during the course of morning, sketched (5) DRAWN {D{R}AWN}
21. Mistake a New Delhi's initial mission (6) ERRAND {ERR}{A}{N}{Delhi}
24. Making serious charges, one politician's arriving right away (10) IMPEACHING {I}{MP}{rEACHING}
27. Bet // it's boat (4) PUNT (DD)
29. Ancestry of old dress I gain finally (6) ORIGIN {O}{RIG}{I}{gaiN|
30. In half a minute, bet becomes wrong (8) MISTAKEN {MI{STAKE}Nute}
31. Over there you nearly bump into a crazy nerd (6) YONDER {YOu}{NERD*}
32. News about fashionable, coloured hard cloth (8) WHIPCORD {W{HIP}{C}ORD}


1. Politician involved in cunning gets head cover (6) WIMPLE {WI{MP}LE}

2. Refugee leaves a part of airport (6) RUNWAY {RUNaWAY}
3. Report single advance (4) LOAN {~LONE}
4. Rip only new material (5) NYLON {ONLY N}*
6. Nothing is caught by fixed Sone trap (5) NOOSE {SONE*} around {O}
7. Cinema where in different eras you in the past were seen (3,5) ART HOUSE {EARS*} around {THOU}
8. Writer hesitant about support from shadowy area (8) PENUMBRA {PEN}{UM}{BRA}
11. Hot air in balloon // or unimportant item in newspaper (6) FILLER (DD)
14. Lawyer jolly enough to patch up (4) DARN {DA}{RN}
16. Support to article? “Show canine development” (6) TEETHE {TEE}{THE}
17. Small can get majorly finally (4) TINY {TIN}{majorlY}
18. Using eyeshade during windy day is recommended (8) ADVISORY {DAY*} around {VISOR} Defn ok?
19. Drive about politician's gain by foul means (8) CAMPAIGN {CA}{MP}{GAIN*}
22. Bird's // nuts (6) CUCKOO (DD)
23. High part of roadside not secure to go up (6) STONED (T<=)
25. Stormy lake containing one that is similar (5) ALIKE {LAKE*} around {I}
26. "No" sound from the stable maybe (5) NEIGH (~NAY) See comments
28. Surmounting a revolutionary (4) ATOP {A}{TOP}

Reference List
Leraner=L, Revolutionary=Che, King=R, New=N, One=I, Politician=MP, Right=R, Old=O, Coloured=C
Nothing=O, Writer=Pen, Hesitant=Um, Support=Bra, Lawyer=DA, Jolly=RN (Royal Navy), About=CA

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous



  1. Advisory def. is okay. It is usually given by (U.S>) Govt. to avoid certain troubled areas.

    1. Advisory is a recommendation. Can it be recommended as well?

    2. Can at best be recommending, I feel.

  2. I found 3 politician MP's in there today!

  3. 18d recommended as in a quality of def. Not def per se.

  4. 26D- It would be "No" sound// from the stables.
    Comfortable enjoyable workout in the morning and an equally enjoyable blog by Ramesh. Thanks to both of you.

  5. 'Top' revolutionary is Gridman's fav. I was stumped by it for a while. Generally had problem in SE corner- whipcord & stoned sidewalk.

  6. 18d. Wouldn't "visor during windy day" give the same result advisory. Using advisory is recommended! is an adivse by gridman

  7. Today I am going to tell you about this DARN good Zen story.
    It is not about two RUNAWAY persons. But about two monks who dressed ALIKE, not in NYLON but in cotton. One was elder and it was his duty to MENTALLY prepare the younger one.
    Oh, I forgot to tell you that the story is not long DRAWN. It is about how the elder pointed out the ROTTEN thoughts of the younger.
    The two left their ENCAMPment and were on an ERRAND to inform people about their CAMPAIGN.
    As they approached the main road they saw a young damsel dressed in PASTEL colours and a WIMPLE trying to cross a puddle of water. The elder quickly lifted and carried her to the other side of the road.
    The younger was in an IMPEACHING mood. After reaching back he said to the elder " Are we monks not supposed to carry women in our arms".
    The elder didn't use a WHIPCORD. He just said: "I carried her to the other side of the road and left her. But YOU ARE STILL CARRYING HER" !!!

  8. Imagine a list of some items
    Don't look over low parapet walls.
    Don't see pics on mobile while standing with back to the wall or attempt taking selfies.
    Don't play violent games on the terrace.
    Don't enter lift machine room marked with Danger sign.

    Such a list can be titled Recommended or Advisory.

  9. Solutions up for 9th round in IXL. Two mistakes and I will be tumbling down the leaderboard😢

    1. I am glad you are still within top20! Best of luck in the last round!

    2. REVISE- RESIZE-- Though the answer was staring right on your face as the clue was Alter note's physical dimension (size), many must have put in REVISE ! This is the kind of RMDC clues that should be avoided in a competition of national stature . Whoever was the setter must have thought of this deliberate ploy .

      Last clincher in this series tomorrow. Glad that from the week after next we can be back to our good ol' Sunday Specials.

      Let the best win and good luck to all !

    3. Just one (letter) mistake. Mine was GABaRDINE.
      Theirs was GABeRDINE.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am one of the victims. In addition, I put in Licensed nurse in place of registered. Not only it was wrong, but it carried 2 crossings with it. Anyway,it does not matter for me as an also ran.
    Best wishes to all our bloggers who are in contention and those nearer the border. Last but definitely not least.

  11. Very Good Vasant. At this stage (with just one round to go) there is no way you can go down beyond 20. Also a few in the top twenty are not able to come to the finals for various reasons.

    1. Thank you Sir. Hope the last round is without any mistake
