Thursday 14 September 2017

No 12112, Thursday 14 Sep 2017, The Phantom

1   Bananas overripen and spoil (6) DAMAGE {MAD<=}{AGE}
5   Fellow repeatedly tackling champion gets praise (8) ACCOLADE {AC{CO}{LAD}E}
9   Again one tucks into slice of a bakery product (7) BISCUIT {BIS}{CU{1}T}
10 Touching story continues (6) RENEWS {RE}{NEWS}
11 Bigamist in essence said to lack principles (6) AMORAL {bigAMist}{ORAL}
12 Dealing in old coins (8) EXCHANGE {EX}{CHANGE}
13 In deep trouble, Arthur half-heartedly submitted resignation (9) DEPARTURE {ARThUR} in {DEEP}*
15 Pictures from inside a stadium (5) IDEAS [T]
17 I shall recite passage in church (5) AISLE (~ i'll)
19 Dope trying to control mob is abused (9) OPPRESSED {DOPE}* over {PRESS}
22 Premature ending in film's main cause of trouble (8) MISCHIEF {MISt}{CHIEF}
23 Toxic chemical's discharged when abandoned ship capsized (6) P?E?O? (Addendum - PHENOL - {LONE+sHiP}<= - See comments)
25 Not so tough for one during festival to spend time (6) EASIER EAS(-t+i)IER
26 Hire one to sculpt a Goddess (7) HEROINE*
27 Weak displaying sign of being tired in the extreme (8) WEARIEST {WE{ARIES}T}
28 Time to crush doctrine of terror (6) DISMAY {D{ISM}AY}

2   Set of snaps from camera finally left behind (5) ALBUM {c...rA}{L}{BUM}
3   Crossing a lake from one country to another country (7) AUSTRIA AUSTRalIA
4   Euro and Mark: similar in value? (8) EQUALITY {E}{QUALITY}
5   When a bowler's not included for no obvious reason (2,3,4,2,1,3) AT THE DROP OF A HAT [CD]
6   Novice's dynamic, superseding Bishop in clergymen's office (6) CURACY Anno pending (Addendum - {CU(-b)}{RACY} - See comments)
7   Rope's length often wasn't three feet (7) LANYARD {L}{wAsNt}{YARD}
8   Belittle individual receiving degree after degree? (9) DOWNGRADE DOWN{GRADE} Anno pending (Addendum - {D}{OWN}{GRADE} - See comments)
14 Reject lie fabricated by China about India-Bhutan border (9) ELIMINATE {ELI}{M{In...aN}ATE} (Correction - {ELI}*{M{I}{b...aN}ATE} - See comments)
16 Willing as usual to cut soft grass (8) PREPARED {P}{RE{PAR}ED}
18 Indian city that's right now not favoured in a relative sense (7) LUCKIER {LUCKnow}{IE}{R}
20 Variety of glasses with unlimited view (7) SPECIES {SPEC{vIEw}S}
21 Run through article without reading? (6) PIERCE {PIE{R}CE}
24 Game over, in other words the end (5) OMEGA {GAME+O}*



  1. 8D I took it as degree after degree= D and grade ..individual=own

  2. 6d cub(novice)+racy-b
    8d d(degree) +own(individual)+grade

  3. 14D: is it for the first time that a cockney rhyming slang has been used in THC?I dont remember seeing it before

    1. 14D: doesnt it use a cockney rhyming slang?
      Mate=china plate.

    2. I think I have used Cockney rhyming slang on occasions bur I can't cite examples as my dB is searchable only by solution/clue and not by clue type.

    3. You're correct, Vasant. MATE: China. Have used it once earlier in THC. Don't think this or similar words have been used.

  4. 23AC: PHENOL<
    Abandoned = LONE<
    PH should be from SHIP (alternate letter pick up signal missing?)

    1. Anything to do with chemical pH?

    2. Chemical discharged- pH comes out?

    3. I took SHIP minus is (is discharged-toxic chemical's to be read as tox chemical is)

    4. And since everything is to be reversed so is deletion of IS. Very clever!

    5. Is the def. only 'Toxic'? Then-
      Abandoned- Lone
      Chemical discharged when ship capsized - pH coming out of ship.

    6. Thank you Vasant. I missed the 'is' hidden in 'chemical's'. Good one.

    7. Did think of using pH, HP etc, but was not satisfied

  5. How is it that I am seeing the online version immediately after midnight IST?
    Of course, the online version today did not have 25AC!

    1. My online version had the clue for 25A, but had to be filled in letter by letter manually- I mean it did not move on to the next letter after filling one square.

    2. My online version still does not show 25a. Thanks to Col for uploading the net version at 00.05hrs, wherefrom I got it.

    3. It has been coming out between 0001 and 0015 for past one month. I solve before going to sleep. 25a wasn't there.

  6. 23A- I don't remember Phantom using within/ without earlier. Got caught by it as usual. Trying for elimination.
    Many annos cleared by the blog.

  7. 5D is a great clue Phantom. Loved the neat topical surface of 14D. Thanks:)

    1. Thanks Doc.
      The anno I had in mind for 14D was Mate around I & Bhutan border, as border is in singular, and I is for India in the ICAO list.

  8. Liked many clues, AISLE was very clever...
    11 ac- AMORAL is lacking in principles, how to get it from 'to lack principles'?
    4 d-ditto... equality is similarity in value... similar in value is just equal na?

    1. 11A: I had earlier written 'to be lacking principles', but removed it inadvertently.

      4D: Should have been similarity. Overlooked the noun & adjective aspect.

  9. A doubt about 'Aisle'. Is I'll abbreviation for both I will & I shall?

    1. I'll contraction I will or I shall.

    2. Thank you Raghu. I thought so but I had not come across earlier.

  10. What's the purpose of -again- in the 9 across clue? Why is it coloured and undeerlined in the clue ?

    I had to stay put outside the box for quite a few clues. Phantom has fanned my fire quite !

    1. Bis=again. It is coloured to highlight it is part of answer and underlined as link is given to see how bis=again

    2. Thanks, Vasant. I got the answer BISCUIT alright , but wondered why BIS= again ! but still why?

    3. Raju,
      The problem is you don't follow Col.'s notations. The underlining of again denotes that it takes you to a link which explains that the meaning of 'Bis' is again. Try clicking and reading.

    4. True Paddy..Col. puts in so much hard work in the blog...hats off to him

    5. Thanks Paddy & Vasant. I agree that I'm rather cursory. Of course ,I know that underlining is done for one to click and get to another site, which I always do, especially when the Col does this for songs, dances and others , pointing references . I never can undervalue the pains and efforts undertaken by the Col & Ramesh to use colours. I'll never have that patience! I could hardly guess that Bis= twice -- a far cry , especially when any and all abbreviations are used in crosswords. My apologies for my peremptory comments to the Col and all of you !

  11. 1 Ac. 5D and 14D, excellent clues
