Monday 21 August 2017

No 12091, Monday 21 Aug 2017, Spinner

1   THOSE WHO PUT UP GROUP OF HOUSES FOR RENT? (5,7) BLOCK LETTERS {BLOCK} {LETTERS} & Definition by example or REBUS - See comments
10 Pan graduate’s mistake (5) BASIN {BA}{SIN}
11 Utter curse ceaselessly to change shape (9) STRUCTURE {UTTER+CURSe}*
12 University’s top lady kidnapped by two knights? That’s rough! (6) UNEVEN {Un...y}{N}{EVE}{N}
13 Quotes by nearly forgotten wise men (8) PASSAGES {PASt}{SAGES}
15 Obliterated legal document to hide problematic story (9) DESTROYED {DE{STORY*}ED}
16 Leave out classroom items/bottles (4) OMIT [T]
20 Keep quiet about you and me in hotels! (4) HUSH {H}{US}{H}
21 Emerging software destroyed in rage (9) APPEARING {APP}{IN+RAGE}*
24 Aroused by gyration done kinkily (6,2) TURNED ON {TURN}{DONE*}
26 Unending onslaught with hard strap (6) ATTACH {ATTACk}{H}
28 Renovate crumbling dome’s surface with resin, at last (9) MODERNISE {DOMEs*}{RESIN*} (Addendum - {DOME*}{R{resiN}ISE} - See comments)
29 Almost overwhelmed by course (5) ROUTE ROUTEd
30 She caters to arrangement with the heart of a soprano, scores music! (12) ORCHESTRATES {SHE+CATERS+TO}* over {sopRano}

2   Frolicking, less inert audience (9) LISTENERS*
3   Shows firms taking over Indian Educational organisation (8) CONCERTS {NCERT} in {COS}
4   Final bomb fails to take off (4) LAST bLAST
5   Pressurised, making a dent there! (10) THREATENED*
6   Changed sexes to overcome primarily chauvinistic overindulgence (6) EXCESS {SEXES}* over {Ch...c}
7   Hurt, upset, crazy girl! (5) STUNG {NUTS<=}{G}
8   One upside down container having ring around (5) ABOUT {A}{TU{O}B<=}
9   God protects disheartened nuns, giving solidity (7) DENSITY {DE{NunS}ITY}
14 Cops memoir altered to get deal (10) COMPROMISE*
17 Adult drinks a bit of Indian native intoxicant, becomes baby (9) MINIATURE {M{In...n}{Na...e}{In...t}ATURE}
18 Extremely rubbish myths busted by recurring patterns (7) RHYTHMS {Ru...sH}{MYTHS*}
19 Note practice bringing up voice standards (8) CRITERIA {C}{RITE}{AIR<=}
22 Spinner’s endless deception — The standard to compare against! (6) METRIC {ME}{TRICk}
23 Perhaps, there’s a crowd? (5) THREE*
25 Commercial appearing in city’s broadcast medium (5) RADIO {R{AD}IO}
27 Make a crossword about cool community (4) SECT {SE{C}T}



  1. Replies
    1. Yes, that is right. I did not get it. Otherwise 'at last' does not fit.

  2. All or many of you may have missed the following our friend Neyartha wrote under Comments the other day.
    He wrote:
    I remember the events that led to starred clues in THC. It was C-Vasi who started it back in 2008 with a raga-themed crossword ( The Hindu Crossword 9198 ). Here is the link to the puzzle from The Hindu's web archive (no grid, unfortunately):

    Those were the days when The Hindu carried puzzles without bylines. So, the setter's name was not known beyond the THC inner circle at that time :)

    I had met C-Vasi at his residence shortly after that puzzle was published. Since all my puzzles have themes (I use theme words for the initial fill to seed the grid), I felt encouraged after my conversation with him. Starting from around that time, I used to send at least one starred puzzle in every set. Nowadays, we have instructions to avoid starred clues because it doesn't go well with the online solving platform.

    - Ganesh (Neyartha)
    Quote ends

    1. Had read. Quite interesting.

    2. This is really interesting - I'm curious as to how well the crossword was received since Raga names may not be part of everyone's vocabulary - CV sir, was there any feedback on this?

    3. I doubt if there was any feedback in those days

  3. Nice Spinners!1 A was well bowled. So were the others. Thanks Spinner.

  4. Yes, I certainly missed it.That's very interesting. Thank you CV.One more old CW to solve. Just curious and will make it a point to try it today. Maybe CV/ vasant can help with the grid- that will make things easier.

    1. Paddy have sent you the puzzle. Happy solving!

    2. I just don't know how to thank you. I owe you a lot- will take care of you whenever you visit Chennai. Not sure when that will be.

    3. Vasant: I may be having this in my unsolved lot but to ferret it out will be cumbersome. Can you please send me the grid ? Thanks

  5. Thank you Spinner for an interesting start for the week. Criteria was the last to fall. Surprise that TH cooperated with Block Letters- otherwise it would have flattened the clue.

    1. I thought of this eventuality - so I sent a note with the puzzle. I'm glad it was accepted.

  6. Amazing, smooth flowing grid- lovely :)

  7. A delightful puzzle, full of clear clueing and fine surface readings. Thanks Spinner.

  8. Surface reading is always a pleasure in Spinner's CW's.

  9. Rufus also has used legal document for DEED in today's Guardian crossword! What a coincidence!

  10. BLOCK LETTERS USED AS A CLUE FOR THE ANSWER IS UNIQUE ! What do we call such clues as ? A new nomenclature ?

    1. Ramesh: In Rebus type of clues we don't have definition and have to get the answer through lateral thinking, IMHO like the classic
      Gegs? for scrambled eggs and
      O for circular letter
      This clue had WP & as Col has mentioned DBE

    2. This clue would pass off as a CD or an Easy type clue (E) - The rebus is an added layer. So colonel's comment against the clue is right - It is probably CD+rebus or E+rebus.

      In my first ever puzzle for TH, there was

      MCE MCE MCE (5,5,4).

      This would be a pure rebus, in the sense that Vasant has described.

    3. Srivathsan:The clue you quoted of your debut puzzle is a clear Rebus clue as it does not have any definition.
      But today's clue cannot be called a Rebus clue. It has a clear definition..there is Word play, a CD and is a definition by example as the whole clue us written in bold letters, the answer

    4. There is this very interesting article and a more interesting discussion in CU. Here is the link:

    5. I read your debut puzzle blog!What a beautiful puzzle!

    6. Thanks vasant :) And yes like I said, this clue has rebus only as an added layer.

  11. Ref CV's remark at 8:37. I couldn't get even one Raga of THC 9198 despite knowing that they were all ragas, needed Google help to get all of them, the variations in Indian spellings didn't help also. I suppose if I didn't know they were ragas I wouldn't have been able to do the CW. I am still stuck on 6D, 7D and 13A

    1. Finally cracked it. I had 10A wrong all along

    2. I did the ragas the last except 29A which I knew. After getting all the cross checkings had only to Fill in the blanks...confirmed through google...still it was tough to get.

    3. I am just taking a coco break (without Coco) to freshen up my mind. I have 10A as 'Bahari'. Help needed.

    4. Thank you Vasant. That should give me a kick start.

    5. Nice discussion about Arabhi in the Tmail film about singer JKB.

  12. Lovely puzzle as usual, Spinner! Thanks.

  13. When I already have doubts about ragas, the variations in spelling makes me stumble.

  14. Col.,
    You had not started THCC when this CW appeared in 2008?

  15. Yes, it starts from 2009. So I had not missed much earlier.
