Wednesday 11 March 2015

No 11339, Wednesday 11 Mar 2015, Mac

Mac in my opinion is the true inheritor of Sankalak's title.

6   Study for engineering degree (5) PROBE {PRO}{BE}
7   He supplies missing lines for report generated about minister (8) PROMPTER {PRO{MP}TER*}
10 Backtrack and nearly recreate setting (7) RETRACE RECREATe*
11 Compelling description of what an a cappella quartet do in audition? (7) FORCING (~four sing)
12 As a result of corrupt letters, he finds a new place to live in (7) SETTLER*
13 Shrink’s somewhat rash or tense (7) SHORTEN [T]
14 Complex and/or simple character arrays exhibiting directional symmetry (11) PALINDROMES*
19 Judge starts to ultimately grant emigration entitlement for asylum seeker (7) REFUGEE {REF}{U}{G}{E}{E}
21 One besieged by bizarre mental affliction (7) AILMENT {A{1}LMENT*}
23 Flexible clue I’d fashioned over time (7) DUCTILE {DUC{T}ILE*}
25 Trelliswork of ancient Athens described in French article (7) LATTICE {L{ATTICa}E} (Addendum - {L{ATTIC}E} - See comments)
26 Union had assembled and made noise (8) ADHESION {HAD*}{NOISE*}
27 Competition held by seven-thirty (5) EVENT [T]

1   Impression you leave behind as you march ahead? (8) FOOTSTEP [CD]
2   Trailer, not starting, repaired and put back on track (6) RERAIL tRAILER*
3   Pear canap? prepared for 20 (10) APPEARANCE*
4   Owl is shaken by loud, ferocious animal (4) WOLF {OWL*}{F}
5   Segregationist’s starting to be discriminatory towards a gender (6) SEXIST {Se...t}{EXIST}
6   Decay as a result of unusual rise in pH (6) PERISH {P{RISE*}H}
8   Operate in proper formation (7) PERFORM [T]
9   A male representative (5) AGENT {A}{GENT}
13 River Nile moving about path free from turbulence (10) STREAMLINE {STREAM}{NILE*}
15 Coal lump beginning to burn (7) LIGNITE {Lump}{IGNITE}
16 Test sample of rodents raised in small enclosure (8) SPECIMEN {S}{P{ECIM<=}EN}
17 Score aD’ in competitive exam (5) GRADE {GR{A}{D}E}
18 Cryptic setter’s way (6) STREET*
20 Appearance masking a disguise, primarily (6) FACADE {FAC{A}{Di...e}E}
22 Hide and start to look at her (6) LATHER {Look}{AT}{HER}
24 Team, in extra time, to bow out (4) EXIT {E{XI}T}



  1. A pleasant early morning walk in the park! Simple and elegant clueing. Particularly liked PROBE, SETTLER(My COD), REFUGEE, AILMENT,SEXIST, STREET etc. Thanks, Mac, for making it my day! :-)))

  2. A plate full of samosas and hot at that! Enjoyed solving the crossword and loved the wordplay very much.

  3. New article at Crossword Unclued about Afterdark's quadruple pangram

    1. Nice article bringing out the difficulties in achieving the stupendous task. One of his specials was left out- all Ac. clues starting with a & Dn. clues starting with D (which is also difficult in my opinion)

  4. Neat clues. I just wish there weren't so many anagrams.

    1. Then how can we (the beginners, rather learners) get the samosas once in a while?

    2. Then how can we (the beginners, rather learners) get the samosas once in a while?

    3. I admit I seem to have a particular affinity for anagrams. Will try to tone it down:)

  5. Wonder about this abbreviation used: ET Extra time or E for extra and it's source?

    1. ET for Extra Time. Pretty common in sports (esp. football) circles.

    2. I'm not a fan of football like you are.

  6. Samosa before 8.30 and most delicious at that! Thank you Mac.Keep serving them.
    A doubt about 22D- 'Lather' & 'Hide'. I could not connect and the link did not help. Am I missing something?

    1. Lather: 2. Informal To give a beating to; whip = To beat severely; flog. = Hide

  7. I agree. Mac sets sensible clues and is pleasing use sank a lamp holes.

  8. 25 Trelliswork of ancient Athens described in French article (7) LATTICE {L{ATTICa}E}

    Think this is: L(ATTIC)E . ATTIC = Of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Attica, Athens, or the Athenians.

    1. Thanks Raghu, I was not happy with the annotation given by me

  9. Wow.. yet another wonderful puzzle from Mac... Thoroughly enjoyable!! Thank you Mac :-) Lots of awesome clues...PALINDROMES is my CoD.. wow... Other favourites being PROMPTER, GRADE, SPECIMEN, STREAMLINE...

  10. Wholly agree with Deepak's comment at othe top. Truly wonderful! Keep it up, Mac!

  11. Well done Mac! Very enjoyable CW today. Wholeheartedly agree with DG - Mac is true inheritor of Sankalak. Hope to see a lot more of him.
    Happy samosa day!!

  12. Superb set of clues. Specially liked PROBE, SPECIMEN, ADHESION, PALINDROMES... what the heck, loved all of them :) Thanks Mac!

  13. Very nice. Quite enjoyable.22d- straight clue & easy to find.But hide(leather)=latheris news.13d - wonderful presentation. 14a - Just reminded of "able was I ere I saw Elba'. All said a good entertainer.Thank you Mac.

  14. I love clues which are solver friendly, with super surface , no cryptic ambiguity etc . This CW covers everything . Thanks Mac.

  15. Alas !! deprived of the full pleasure doing this online as the grid is more blacks than blanks
    Unfulfilled desires ? Here, it cannot be that a half empty glass is a half full glass !

    On AFTERDARK's pangram Holy Rangoli special, Shichi has done him an honour by featuring an article in her blog. Compiling is indeed a difficult creative effort and hence conjuring up an imaginative themed or pangram cryptic grid is the ultimate !! How much time did AD take to create this? A collector's piece indeed !

  16. Sh !! spelt Shuchi as Shichi !! shorry !!
