Friday 6 February 2015

No.11311, Friday 06 Feb 2015, Gridman

Gridman's orchestra!

In some clues, I is definition. This letter stands for the same everywhere.

    1  Amusingly overwhelm beauties, say, with jingles (6,5) SLEIGH BELLS (SLEIGH ~ SLAY BELLES) Please see comments
    9  Getting inside picture of Indian film director in pedestrian activity (1-6) X-RAYING (X-(RAY)ING) 
  10  Play on a sort of I (7) SANTOOR (ON A SORT)*
  11  Chaplain has a large number in trim (5) PADRE (PA(D)RE)
  12  Agreeing endlessly there's nothing inside I (9) ACCORDION (ACCORDI(O)Ng)
  13  Classical peepers? (5) OCULI (CD)
  15  Each has a word of thanks about cheap Allman Brothers Band album (3,1,5) EAT A PEACH (EA TA CHEAP*)
  18  Says: "They don't make many stops" (9) EXPRESSES (2)
  21  Old big Greek character (5) OMEGA (O MEGA)
  22  Grim adman plays South Indian I (9) MRIDANGAM (GRIM ADMAN)* Gridman is a part of he fodder!
  24  Riled about champion's gymnastic dismount (5) HECHT (HE(CH)T) New word for me 
  26  East Indian takes in excellence of retired faculty (7) EMERITI (E(MERIT)I)
  27  South Nepal's disturbed to take model course of action, if fixed (3,4) SET PLAN (S NEPAL* around T)
  28  Dwells on choir travelling around with daughter's I (11) HARPSICHORD (HARPS CHOIR* D)

    1  Reportedly bags old mobile I (9) SAXOPHONE (~SACKS O PHONE)
                   Out good friend Billoo Badshah used to play it in The White House
    2  Animal from English countryside (5) ELAND (E LAND)
    3  This shows the way in pupils' exercise notebooks (9) GUIDELINE (CD)
    4  Celebrity status of say someone like Ananthapadmanabhachariar (3,4) BIG NAME (Def By Example) 
                   Imagine the chappie's predicament when, as a child, he was told to write his name a hundred times
    5  Many employ multifarious cast to find a runaway pet (4,3) LOST CAT (LO(CAST*)T)
    6  Son nearabout is more sensible (5) SANER (S NEAR*)
    7  Good I confront proprietor of inn (8) BONIFACE (BON I FACE)
                  And a just married innkeeper is Benedict Boniface or is it the other way round ...
    8  Endless, godless routine may yet bring amused look (4) GRIN (GRINd)
  14  Matchless? (8) UNPAIRED (CD)
  16  Seeing the future, support the man Mark no end (9) PROPHETIC (PROP HE TICk) My CoD 
  17  Encouraged to try a number with the young man (9) HEARTENED (HEAR TEN ED)
  19  Not so spirited soldier gives up every other lady for horse (7) SOGGIER (SOLDIER-LaDy+GG), 
  20  Uncle has many of South Indian dish - not Delhi's top delicacies (7) SAMOSAS (SAM dOSAS)
                  That caters to the people who want this day their daily samosa/s
  22  Proper gathering (4) MEET (2)
  23  Very silly to be like a gorilla (5) APISH (2)
  25  I in cooler room zero (5) CELLO (CELL O) Nice use of cooler for prison/cell. 
                  Reminded me of the hot cooler in The Bridge on the River Kwai


  1. 1 Amusingly overwhelm beauties, say, with jingles (6,5) SLEIGH BELLS (~slay belles)

    Amusingly overwhelm - SLAY

  2. Really enjoyed this one. Thank you

  3. I had to be satisfied with the samosas in 20D! Glad I got quite a few instruments starting with the Gridman container. Quite a good orchestra.

  4. MB in 4D? Glad mine is only about half of it- going by K's remarks.
    New font looks nice and easy on the eye (I?)

    1. Coincidence! Both names contain twenty four letters!!

    2. Paddy, I also being the shortest ref. to self that even a person with such a long name can make.

    3. The name almost describes itself .... Anantha ...

    4. I now have to be careful against some setter using it to cut the tail of a word!

  5. What the heck! I got all except hecht. Beauty of a crossword

  6. Enjoyed the musical crossword - thank you, Gridman! And to Kishore for the blog.

    Once SANTOOR fell into place and clarified what the 'I' stood for, it did make the other 'I' clues a simple matter of just looking at the wordplay.

    Re. 15a: Is E an abbreviation for each? I had it down as EA TA (CHEAP)*, with TA corresponding to "a word of thanks".

  7. I think the second line of the opening instructions should have started with "In these cases,...". As it stands, the line seems to suggest that I "stands for the same everywhere", which is not correct as it is used differently in 7d.

    1. You have a point!
      The instruction could have been phrased more carefully.
      If the second sentence had begun as you suggest, it would have been fine,
      Now, the first sentence has said that 'I' is the def in some clues. The next sentence glances back and adds that everywhere it stands for the same.
      In 7d I is not the def. So the instruction doesn't apply.
      So I think ambiguity does not arise.

  8. Kishore@10.19- ref. to I being the shortest word, I was reminded of an old joke

    Teacher: Make a sentence using "I".
    Student: "I is..
    Teacher: You should not say "I is". You should say I am...
    Student: Okay, I am the shortest word in English.

    1. Nice one, Paddy! Teacher's face should have looked :-(

  9. I was going through Richard's comments from last year and it 100% true in my case. I have been solving THC for may be over 10 years but would have learnt 90% of the game in the last couple of years after visiting THCC.

    I, for one, had bumped into this blog during a random search sometime in March 2009. I have been solving TH crosswords for over twentyfive years. But I must honestly admit that I could hone my skills and solve the puzzles faster only after I began following this blog."

  10. Enjoyed solving this grid... Got all except Hecht which is a new word for me... Guessed Boniface from wordplay but had to google... Another new word!

  11. Tougher than yesterday's Gridman's, which was a child's play !!

    I chewed mu gum for MRIDANGAM . Another Indian word for the latest of OED? or is it already there?

    X-raying is the clue of my day-- very cleverly crafted-- One would wonder why '' pedestrian
    crossing'' at first sight and then will see the green light to X the road !!

    A nice symphonic crossword !!
