Sunday 2 March 2014

No 2780, Sunday 02 Mar 2014

1   Islander, terrible hypocrite, he ignored (7) CYPRIOT hYPOCRITe*
5   Hit rain when high, and this on Everest? (4,3) THIN AIR*
9   Forward almost missing header (5) EARLY nEARLY
10 Plant from Andorra, so peculiar (6,3) AARONS ROD*
11 Carnival uncommon around the East at present (5,4) RAREE SHOW {RAR{E}E} {SHOW}
12 Attacker overlooking a person on a horse (5) RIDER RaIDER
13 Settlers introducing dour priest to lager-like beer (7,7) PILGRIM FATHERS {PIL{GRIM} {FATHER}S}
17 Typical delegate (14) REPRESENTATIVE [DD]
19 Fresh Police Constable arresting male teacher, retired (5) CRISP {C{RIS}P}<=
21 Hush-hush operation with leading character in Coronation Street amazingly being brought round (3-6) TOP-SECRET {TOP}-{SE{C}RET*}
23 Police vehicle part modified by Carlo abroad (6,3) PATROL CAR {PATR*}{OL CAR*}
24 I spot one inside supplying dope (5) IDIOT {I}{D{1}OT}
25 Industry importing special rum, a racket (7) TURMOIL {T{RUM*}OIL}
26 Reaches former nurses (7) EXTENDS {EX}{TENDS}

1   Happy to salute youth leader (6) CHEERY {CHEER}{Y}
2   Doorman admitting characteristic bore, an artist (8,7) PORTRAIT PAINTER {POR{TRAIT} {PAIN}TER}
3   Brown is one of its members, girl with class (3,6) IVY LEAGUE {IVY} {LEAGUE}
4   Whippet finally spots litter (5) TRASH {T}{RASH}
5   Go mad, disconcert a worthy (5,1,3) THROW A FIT {THROW} {A} {FIT}
6   Wrongdoer beheaded in secret (5) INNER sINNER
7   A card game, distraction not including one shorter form (8,7) ABRIDGED VERSION {A}{BRIDGE}{D iVERSION}
8   Revolutionary annoyed relief organisation (3,5) RED CROSS {RED} {CROSS}
14 The very same dialect in resort (9) IDENTICAL*
15 Start to trust man brought in to handle as much as possible (2,3,4) TO THE HILT {TO} {T}{HE} {HILT}
16 Crazy shot leading cup (8) CRACKPOT {CRACK}{POT}
18 Briefly set out American position (6) STATUS {STATe}{US}
20 Recently stolen - that appears in Post Office picture (5) PHOTO {P{HOT}O}
22 Quietly press for expulsion (5) PURGE {P}{URGE}


  1. A VERY ENJOYABLE and doable one along time thanks. Rajalakshmi

  2. @ 9.59, Didn't realise my daughter had logged in!

    11 Carnival uncommon around the East at present (5,4) RAR(E)E SHOW

    The 'the' in question discussed yesterday, comes up today.

  3. 15 Start to trust man brought in to handle as much as possible (2,3,4) TO THE HILT {TO} {T}{HE} {HILT}

    Nice clue and anno.

  4. 14D The very same dialect in resort (9) IDENTICAL*

    Since 'in' is part of anagram fodder, it has be coloured.

  5. Raghu @ 10:02 : @ 9.59, Didn't realise my daughter had logged in!

    Remember, it happened with my daughter's name too once ?!

    1. It's a convenience which sometimes can cause problems, if you are not alert.

    2. Just like in my case, father and daughter are inseparables!

  6. 11 Carnival uncommon around the East at present (5,4) RAREE SHOW {RAR{E}E} {SHOW}

    I feel 'at' as a connector is unfair and misleading. I was struggling for some time unable to equate SHOW and "at present".

  7. Personal for Raghunath: The forwarded copy of the bounced mail has bounced.

  8. The dataone (BSNL) server is funny and sometimes behaves in a haphazard manner. Does not 'serve' the purpose.
