Friday 29 November 2013

No 10943, Friday 29 Nov 2013, Neyartha

At the dining table with Neyartha today.
1   Leader of Indian students with a remedy for cruelty (3-9) ILL-TREATMENT {I}{LL}-{TREATMENT}
8   Notice about the kick-off: It’s for the Indian robbers (7) DAKOITS {DA<=}{KO}{ITS}
9   Letters from a babu sermonising to the drug addict (6) ABUSER [T]
11 Tin missing in abnormal compensation for a representation of our satellite’s surface (9) MOONSCAPE COMPENSAtiOn*
12 Dutch painter’s silly talk on the radio (5) BOSCH (~bosh)
14 Braiding example needs participation of new clone at home (9) ENTWINING {E{N}{TWIN}{IN}G}
16 Swallow found on a flipped seal (4) GULP<=
18 Cutlery division (4) FORK [DD]
19 Land surveyor’s keynote includes Oriental lyrics (9) GEODESIST {G{E}{ODES}IST}
21 Wooden item reserved for the person coming in last? (5) SPOON [CD]
22 Curl I push about with a kind of acid (9) SULPHURIC*
23 Biased king takes out daughter to get what is needed for a kebab, say (6) SKEWER SKEWE(-d+r)R
25 Look back at wrapping delivered from the east for clothes (7) ENROBES {E{NROB}ES}<=
26 Rapidly decline and get destroyed (2,4,3,3) GO DOWN THE PAN [DD]

2   Look! Rani ate in disguise on the North American water body (4,7) LAKE ONTARIO*
3   Hurry up after call at toss for a dangerous dive (8) TAILSPIN {TAILS}{PIN<=}
4   Trapping provided by the English showing anger at the student’s dismissal (9) ENSNARING {E}{SNARlING}
5   Feudal lord in an Indian city (5) THANE [DD]
6   Former partner applies resistance at the wrong place in the regions outside cities (6) EXURBS {EX}{(-r)U(+r)RBS}
7   Audibly drag the front of the hoof (3) TOE (~tow)
8   Morning person tucks into food with a coral reef resident (10) DAMSELFISH {D{AM}{SELF}ISH} Thanks to Google
10 Cuts up envelop for label without hesitation with a cutlery item (10) CHOPSTICKS {CHOP{STICKer}S}
13 US aid circulated by Lawrence’s domain, an Asian monarchy (5,6) SAUDI ARABIA {US+AID}* {ARABIA}
15 Obtained dress for the bungling oldies who are most respectable (9) GOODLIEST {GO{OLDIES*}T}
17 Drunk gatecrasher sat out to replenish battery capacity (8) RECHARGE GatECRAsHER*
20 Not astonished by what was not telecast — a wicket for the Irish (6) UNAWED {UNA(-ir+w)WED}
22 The last one might break the camel’s back (5) STRAW [GK]
24 Barrel found amongst the smoke grenades (3) KEG [T]


  1. I wonder what Rishi would have drawn for 21a ;-)

    1. Well, I had an idea, actually! Will try to do one and send it to the Col.

    2. I have sent the bespoke cartoon for possible inclusion in the blog.

  2. Kishore,
    Forgot your self-service cartoon yesterday. Have inserted it in yesterday's post today

    1. No sweat !

      As old Orlick would say, "that burger's been ate"

    2. Can those availing themselves of self-service be considered self-serving?

  3. Replies
    1. Groucho
      Well, that is a spelling variant for this Indian word, supported by dictionaries for which you don't give full Marx.
      NYT crosswords have the ind. (Var.) after clues if the spelling in the grid is unusual.
      I don't think UK cryptics follow the practice. But the wordplay must unerringly lead to the spelling used.

  4. Either Neyartha has scaled down his toughness or I have improved! I would like to think it is the latter. Almost complete- except that I was 'ensnared' about the 'damselfish.Had a doubt about the spelling of dakoity and on checking I found it is the alt.of dacoit.

    19A- Def. 'Land surveyor' to be in bold.

  5. 21A reminded me of the wonderful wooden spoon that adorned my drawing room for 2 years for getting gross scores of around 190 in golf.

    1. Luckily at the course where I play wooden spoons are not awarded else I would have had sufficient to lay out at a table during dinners!!

  6. Paddy @ 9:37
    IMO Neyartha has scaled down his toughness. Earlier I used to score less than 50%. Now, my score is more than 50 but less than 70%.
    Thanks, Neyartha, for softening your stand !

  7. I hope by now, you might have chnged it to a silver or golden one!

  8. I also got one mail from RU :) but no links to click

  9. Definitely on the easier side by N's standards -- I was able to complete about 80% of it while waiting in traffic! (Not that I'm grateful about or thankful for it. ;-)) Had to come into work to check if Damselfish and Go Down the Pan were valid.

  10. Replies
    1. Wrapping is the indicator of Envelop and delivered= BORN.

    2. "Look back at..." refers to a reversal of "Look at" = {SEE} <=

      ...which wraps

      "...delivered from the East..." = {BORN} <=

  11. how to solve these i am very new plzz.. explain properly ...........

    1. Click on the undermentioned link to understand how to solve cryptic crosswords


  12. 8,19a & 10,13d thou' seemingly difficult the steplike cluez enab.aled
    me crack eazily
