Tuesday 12 November 2013

No 10928, Tuesday 12 Nov 2013, Afterdark

A double pangram or is it a triple from Afterdark much better than the one we had from Doppleganger a few days ago. A Triple pangram it is afterall. Greta Great work from Afterdark.

1   Flummox, kidnap monarch in silence and place head there (6) PUZZLE Anno pending (Addendum - MUZZLE  (-m+p)PUZZLE - See comments)
5   Mouth a composition about animal trainer (6) MAHOUT*
10 Old horse escaped outside when whipped (7) FLOGGED {FL{O}{GG}ED}
11 Teju alongside Manu scrambled to release reserves to gather Jack’s intestine part (7) JEJUNUM {tEJU+MaNU+J}* (Addendum - {JE{J}UNUMta*} - See comments)
12 In between, meat found related to blood vessel (6) VEINAL {VE{IN}AL}
15 Collect Bill’s team for the audience (6) ACCRUE {AC}{CRUE}(~crew)
16 Bird, without enthusiasm goes with another bird (7) GOSHAWK {GOeS}{HAWK}
17 Worry about tyro’s reign (4) RULE {RU{L}E}
18 Stations stranger aboard ship (4) SETS {S{ET}S}
19 Perfidiously downplay Prince’s desertion and surrender (3,4) LAY DOWN DOWNpLAY*
20 German approval overturned to get short hacker programming web development techniques (4) AJAX {AJ<=}{AXe}
22 Charge for time spent in the celebrations (4) FETE {FE{T}E}
25 Animal in retreat with difficulty accepts first solution and matures (7) FLOWERS {FLOW<=}{ER}{S}
27 Stained and endlessly sad Rajasthan Royals’ year starts … (6) BLURRY {BLUe}{R}{R}{Y}
28 Plunge without hesitation and evolve (6) DERIVE {D{ER}IVE}
31 Hundred plastic tawa with the regular bloke brought to the stage (7) CATWALK {C}{TAWA*}{bLoKe}
32 Revealed chromium work on the rock formations above the soil (7) OUTCROP {OUT}{CR}{OP}
33 Unruly cast at the university misbehaves (4,2) ACTS UP {CAST}* {UP}
34 Prison key-head lost in the game (6) HOCKEY {HOCK}{kEY}

2   Related to wife? You ten empty devious liars, leave the son… (7) UXORIAL {U}{X}{O}{LIARs*}
3   Unknown police officer’s final letter, a gruesome beginning but winding … (6) ZIGZAG {Z}{IG}{Z}{A}{G}
4   Nervous daughter took the place of girl in the whirlpool (4) EDDY ED(-g+d)DY
5   Modus operandi by judge was to take a circular charm (4) MOJO {MO}{J}{O}
6   Commandeer shelled ship’s sailor (6) HIJACK {sHIp}{JACK}
7   Intimidate, even run helter-skelter (7) UNNERVE*
8   According to report, line in front of iron wielding priest from the east has a complaint (1,5) A FEVER A {FE}{VER<=} Anno not clear (Addendum - Q FEVER (~queue){Q} {FE}{VER<=} - See comments
9   Raging seer consumed doctor to ashes (6) EMBERS {E{MB}ERS*}
13 Adoringly look at Victorian sailor’s young apprentice going in front (7) LOVABLY {LO}{V}{AB}{L}{Y}
14 Laid-back lawyer in ostentatious surroundings is suspicious (7) SHADOWY {SH{AD<=}OWY}
15 An empty week at the room is uncomfortable (7) AWKWARD {A}{WeeK}{WARD}
20 Swedish band retiring disheartened from the church office (6) ABBACY {ABBA}{CoY}
21 A queen you adored first has spasm relating to water (7) AQUATIC {A}{QU}{Adored}{TIC}
23 King with energy follows oriental fighter who has settled in another country (7) EMIGREE {E}{MIG}{RE}{E}
24 Let go of former spouse with a measure of odd pity (6) EXEMPT {EX}{EM}{PiTy}
25 Clergies from French island arrive at the South (6) FRIARS {FR}{I}{AR}{S}
26 Step out with incharge who is infected (6) SEPTIC {PEST*}{IC}
29 Jump to taste vitamin inside (4) SKIP {S{K}IP}
30 Hebrew character primarily questioned on pilfered Hadith (4) QOPH {Q}{O}{P}{H}


  1. It is a triple!
    The funny thing about this triple pangram is a lot of words not only have the same letter more than once in a word, they are adjacent to each other many a time.


    1. Eg: Puzzle, Flogged, Accrue, Blurry, Eddy, Unnerve, Abbacy, Emigree

    2. Kishore, that was the optimal way to get all the alphabets thrice in the grid. :)

  2. I don't want to 6d AD's glory, but I think you have missed my toon ;-)

    1. Richie might identify with the toon, since the guy who did that was named Ritchie, if I remember right

    2. Thank God I was not on that flight. Otherwise there could have been a horrible mix-up! :-)

      Remembered the panic created during a flight when one of the passengers greeted a long-lost acquaintance across a row of seat by yelling, "Hi, Jack!"...

    3. Terrific cartoon Kishore . Could not stop laughing :)

  3. 11 Teju alongside Manu scrambled to release reserves to gather Jack’s intestine part (7) JEJUNUM {tEJU+MaNU+J}*
    JE(J)UNUM*-ta Anag of {[-t]EJU+M[a]NU} to gather J

    1. Teju and Manu, by the way, are Afterdark's creations

    2. By the way, Teju and Manu are not triplets!

    3. :) Someone asked me whether this is a dedication of watching Fight Club with family

  4. @Afterdark: Congrats for the triple pangram!

  5. Who is this Greta Afterdark has been working on?

    1. "Greta work from Afterdark."

    2. Or did you mean 3 is greta than 2 ?

    3. I had a classmate called Greta (a diminutive of Margaret)...

    4. A reverse anagrammic compliment :)

  6. Triple Pangram- the bar is being continuously raised!

    A couple of points-
    8D- reversal of 'Rev'- do you call it from the east or from the south since it is a Down clue?
    A point to appreciate-
    Hebrew alphabet is unlikely to be known to many, but the wordplay directly leads to it making it much easier. Referring to yesterday's discussion, I feel this is one of the differences between an hard & easy puzzle.
    24D- Is 'em' for measure?

    1. The bar is definitely now out of the reach of midgets and teetotalers ...

      Yes, em is a measure, just like ell and en, though ell is a measure of cloth and em and en are measures of the length of dashes

    2. Yes Padmanabhan, 8D should have read from the South.

    3. Yes Padmanabhan. It was a mistake :(

    4. Sorry for nitpicking on your hour of (triple?) glory. But I asked more for my clarification.

    5. Not at all. Such an elementary mistake. Should have been avoided

  7. Col, on your byline, why did you have to make a comparison like that? What do you have against an upcoming setter like Doppelgänger? :)

    1. They have had many face-offs in the past ...

    2. Thanks Colonel for the byline, even if it is at the cost of Doppelganger :) :D

  8. An enjoyable triple pangram from Afterdark. Had problems in the north-west corner, otherwise it was a smooth ride for me today ! Thanks, Afterdark.

  9. Oh what a tangled web this one was at first!! And then, sheer delight, as it started unravelling! Enjoyed Afterdark's offering, to-day, but those grey cells did have to work" double time".

  10. Also, I put A Fever for 8D. What is Q fever? Would be obliged if someone could further clarify this for me. Thanks.

    1. Rita here it is .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_fever

    2. Can Q(uestion) fever be the discomfort one undergoes when facing difficult questions? :-)

  11. A joke I had read in connection with the route of a plane (luggage in fact)

    A passenger bound for Chicago was checking in NY airport and said,
    " Book me to Chicago, but my luggage to London,Paris, Amsterdam,Boston and then to Chicago."
    Airline staff-" That is impossible"
    Passenger-" But that is exactly what you did last time!"

  12. 2D: Can a clue end with an unfinished sentence? If it did, I thought it ought to be taken into an another clue and stopped there. It don't seem to be the case here.

  13. I realised to my horror today that I had something called a jejunum inside me

  14. We carry so many things which we do not know about. Jejunum is just one of them.

  15. 10A : Old horse escaped outside when whipped (7) FLOGGED {FL{O}{GG}ED}
    Anno : GG for please ?

    1. GG= Horse . More about the GG here is the link http://www.crosswordunclued.com/2011/12/why-is-horse-gg.html

    2. GG is gee-gee which is horse

  16. @Afterdark Congrats for a triple pangram!

  17. Excellent effort to put a triple pangram. Except for a couple of clues, wordplay was also good.

  18. That is just the point. Nothing seems to be contrived or out of place. It is great to have a triple pangram within these constraints.

  19. Of late, I find a couple of new lady 'avatars' ! First it was Rita ma'am and now LV ! Who next ? Hope LV hasn't discarded her Chimpanzee friend of Madras zoo totally !!

  20. An excellent puzzle-- yes indeed, truly HARDCORE CRYPTIC puzzle, from After Dark,.and to make a Pangram is indeed a great feat. Congrats except Sri no one else Kan be up to it I had eyestrain, flitting between the clues and the blocks in Orlkut. Can thewy not make the letters a bit more bold? Is there a way of getting dtodo them in Acrosslite format, which is far more easy?

    This puzzle is much higher in standard as compared to many I had done from the UK papers. We have an Araucaria in the making amidst us !! Not for jejune souls, with or without jejunum !
    Clue of my day: ABBACY-- It is a pity that this Abba band got broken , as they produced all time masterpieces in great teamwork.When I'm under the weather, I listen to their soulful renderings.

  21. ABBA produced some very cheerful numbers, too! Mamma Mia, Voulez Vouz, Dancing Queen, to name a few. Many beautiful, soulful numbers, of course - The Winner Takes it all, Chiquiquita - so many more. Glad to meet another ABBA fan!

  22. Right you are rita.makes two of us.my favourite is hasta manana. So soul stirring.

  23. Thanks Kishore.

    Raju, Rita count that as 3. They are my favorites.

  24. You can count me too ! My favourite is "Dancing Queen"

