Friday 11 October 2013

No.10901, Friday 11 Oct 2013, Sankalak

Sankalak made my day by bringing in 'that prince of dodderers' read with the 'Impending "Gloom" ' from 7d

1 Possible emergency touchdowns create a wild yell in Lord Emsworth’s place (5,8) BELLY LANDINGS (YELL* in BLANDINGS=Lord Emsworth’s place)
10 A convenience in which to find dagger’s partner (5,4) CLOAK ROOM CD

           Dame Judi Dench as M certainly gave some 'looking daggers' type of looks ! 

 11 Some ice cream, a reporter’s dream (5) SCOOP 2
12 Shifted and stirred the emotions (5) MOVED 2
13 Dumb mason flummoxed by complaint investigator (9) OMBUDSMAN (DUMB MASON)*
14 Soundness of mind shown by backward girl within the limits of sobriety (6) SANITY (TINA< withinin SY)
16 Drug concealed by a hooligan jauntily (5) GANJA T
19 Daily journal showing reversal for unknown attack (5) DIARY (Y RAID)<
20 Sailor meets Elizabeth, a senior in the convent (6) ABBESS (AB BESS=Elizabeth)
          Two and half years after QE1 the 'Good Queen Bess' was born, her mother lost her head
25 Glittering diamond (9) BRILLIANT 2
26 Beautiful girl with a ringer, we hear (5) BELLE (~BELL)
27 Local word for dross containing a bit of nickel (5) SLANG (SLAG containing N)
28 It gives tone to artist’s work (3,6) OIL COLOUR CD
29 A brief citation reworked without right as a step towards sainthood (13) BEATIFICATION (A BrIEF CITATION)*

2 Developing and given to change with a small book … (8) EVOLVING (GIVEN VOL.)* Correction (VOL in GIVEN*) See comments
3 … approved by old President in a long document originally (5) LIKED (old President = IKE in L D)
4 What some bystanders do when there is an incident (4,2) LOOK ON CD
          Reminded me of The Crowd by Ray Bradbury
5 New frog, for example, lacking pH, from a southern African state (8) NAMIBIAN (N AMphIBIAN)
6 Trendy team, patient one, discovers offence by one on the premises (6,3) INSIDE JOB (IN SIDE, JOB= the patient one in the Bible)
7 Dismal, like weather as may be imminent in the outskirts of Galway (6) GLOOMY (LOOM in GY)
8 Rascals found by Hitler guard surrounding bivouac (6) SCAMPS (SS surrounding CAMP)         
9 The gumption of a southern hoodlum (5) SPUNK (S PUNK)
          By Bubba, Forrest Gump had a lot of it !
15 Red alert at the rear of the car? (4,5) TAIL LIGHT CD
17 End relationship with a delivery back to front (5,3) BREAK OFF (OFF BREAK with positions reversed)
18 The old lot, we suspect, are prosperous (4-2-2) WELL TO DO (OLD LOT WE)*
21 A cutting instrument that head of smithy listens to (6) SHEARS (S HEARS)
22 Babus everywhere bear exploitation (5) ABUSE (T)
23 I’d return tardily but talk at length (6) DILATE (I'D< LATE)
24 The type for which one thanks insurers (6) ITALIC (1 TA LIC)
26 Catcall by a good man — an encouragement! (5) BOOST (BOO ST)


  1. This crossword is a fill-over !! I started from the top lHS , ran step by step, clue by clues across and then all the clues down , systematially, for once without having to resort to croos-overs and wrapped up the samosa !! Couldn't have asked for anything better.

    ClUes of my day: BELLY LANDINGS BEATIFICATION. beuatifully threaded through !!

  2. Today, I had a breathtaking birds eye view from atop the Empire State Building. A sight for the Gods !! I marvelled at the human skills and endeavours that had gone into it and viewing the Twin towers from there, I wondered whyever would anyone choose to destroy such great artistic efforts and creations and human feats just to spite. I bowed my head in shame as a human being and also as a humane person in a sublime respect to all those who were killed and then those who have the spirit to rebuild the current edifices . God be with all of them !!

  3. Yes, way too easy. Didnt know the anno for evolving but got it now that small book would be vol. Any extra crossowords on the blog this week.

  4. 2 Developing and given to change with a small book … (8) EVOLVING (GIVEN VOL.)*

    As per the given anno, we will have an indirect anag.

    I think the intended anno is E(VOL.)VING*

    Here we derive vol from 'a small book' - which is OK.

    'With' is the inserticator. I think it is legit. What say you, blogger?

    1. I feel it is absolutely legit.No problems in getting the word, though I was initially looking at NT,OT for the book. Developing has to be evolving and so working back I got vol.

    2. Right as always, CV !

    3. True, even I was trying OT, NT but got evolving either way. so had to work back too.

  5. What a smooth flow starting with the Empress at Blandings. And still my wonder grows how he could make such a simple CW so interesting. Looking at it one way it is almost like simple instructions to fill up a form. But as you keep filling, you start admiring its beauty. Great start for the day!

    1. An apt summation of the puzzle. I fully agree with Padmanabhan.

  6. The surface readings were absolutely smooth. Reread them and found them perfect. A little beauty.

  7. Raghu, I included the ref. to Judi Dench after recalling your post at WP a few days back

  8. Ajay, +2 - this is a little beauty! Smooth AND enjoyable.
    Raju, you are doing great things in NY!! But yes, one is ashamed of what human beings can do, thinking about the destruction of the TwinTowers.

  9. Hurrah ! today I'm on cloud nine with Samosas and Smosas all the way !! 100 out of 100 !!! Thank you very much SSS (Smooth Sailing Sankalak). A wonderful puzzle.

  10. 2Dn : Yes, like many others, I too was thinking about NT and OT for book but settled with EVOLVING without ANNO. Thanks to CV Sir, the doubt is cleared now.

  11. Yes, it is a samosa and coffee day! Specially since it is also raining in Delhi!
    Wonder where Dr Gayathri has disappeared? She is the one who started the 'samosa and chai' day.

  12. Those who want to read Ray Bradbury's short story 'The crowd' mentioned by Kishore, visit:

    Rita: Dr G visited here once during your absence to say she is too busy and, alas, has no time for crosswords; no time, at any rate, to post messages here in the early morning. .

  13. A totally delightful scoop of boost!

  14. It is all alien tongue, though I guess it must be thank you & pl. don't mention!

  15. Guessed correctly. 'Thank you' and 'You're welcome' in Russian.
    Allies talking in alien tongue!
    CV & Paddy, Thanks for the correction and additional info yesterday.

  16. 1 Across clue reminds me of days I spent in Air Force . Belly Landing is an emergency landing resorted to when the undercarriage of the aircraft fails to function.

  17. Select ambiguities and idiosyncracies

    1. If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

    2. If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

    3. Whose cruel idea was it for the word 'LISP' to have 'S' in it?

    4. Is there another word for synonym?

    1. More or less entertaining collection...

    2. Nice, but I don't think the first one is really factual. And it's a wrong argument used by some to knock evolution.

      Man didn't evolve from monkeys per se. Humans and monkeys just share a common ancestor.

  18. Enjoyed the quotes from George Carlin.
    For more, pl refer

  19. Learners have a great advantage with S. One can arrive at answer from the definition itself. And then work out the anno. Or visit this blog and enjoy the science of Xword from the comments of the experts.
