Sunday 11 August 2013

No 2751, Sunday 11 Aug 2013

1   Amazing acrostic about a country (5,4) COSTA RICA {COST{A} RICA*}
6   Bitter note (5) SHARP [DD]
9   Regular time for episode (5) EVENT {EVEN}{T}
10 Actor, terrible at reading (9) TRAGEDIAN*
11 Defiant remark from habitual drunkard present (2,5) SO THERE {SO T}{HERE}
12 Speaker at rear of lady chapel (7) ORATORY {ORATOR}{ladY}
13 Queen attending stage play (8,7) VICTORIA STATION {VICTORIA}{STATION}
15 It bore forbidden fruit - in legend, fewer took bananas (4,2,9) TREE OF KNOWLEDGE*
18 Elected barrister to sum up (2,5) IN BRIEF {IN} {BRIEF}
20 Manipulates western points of view (7) WANGLES {W}{ANGLES}
22 French chemist varies oil output (9) LAVOISIER*
23 Writer about to leave house (5) BINGO {BIN<=}{GO}
24 Clergyman caught on immediately (5) CANON {C}{ANON}
25 Heels were broken in another place (9) ELSEWHERE*

1   Game show (5) CHESS [DD?] Second meaning not clear if this is a DD
2   Show place sect rebuilt (9) SPECTACLE*
3   Fashion trade company's style of interior design (3,4) ART DECO {ART DE}*{CO}
4   Banged up often, I'm close to parole, and not a moment too soon (2,3,4,2,4) IN THE NICK OF TIME {IN THE NICK} {OF T}{I'M}{parolE}
5   Not knowing what to say, unable to go at Scrabble? (2,1,4,3,5) AT A LOSS FOR WORDS [DD]
6   Composer from Wales met an arranger (7) SMETANA [T]
7   I start to support a married friend (5) AMIGO {A}{M}{I}GO}
8   Girl, possibly ten, describing a type of poker (5,4) PENNY ANTE {PENNY} {A}{TEN}*
13 Uncommonly civil about threesome, or biting (9) VITRIOLIC {VI{TRIO}LIC*}
14 No decline, unfortunately, in laziness (9) INDOLENCE*
16 Work in one, on view (7) OPINION {OP}{IN}{1}{ON}
17 Weapon made from pine - hollow base missing (7) LONGBOW {LONG}{BOWl}
19 Labour statesman getting head round onset of violence (5) BEVAN {BE{V}AN}
21 Vexed about contralto's first record (5) SCORE {S{C}ORE}


  1. 22A - But for him, we wouldn't have had Oxygen! ;-)

    Surprisingly, got the long answers like TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, IN THE NICK OF TIME and AT A LOSS FOR WORDS at first look.

    No Sunday morning blues. Is there any special today? Not many budding setters perhaps.

  2. Entries for Sunday specials requested as my stock has hit rock bottom!

  3. 1D Game Show - 2nd word related to
    Chess Musical..

  4. This is the simplest of the crosswords I've ever done. The simplicity also lies in the fact that I could complete almost the whole grid , despite no down clues being available from 8 and further the number indicators for the words were missing in quite a few.They seemed to have been swallowed by the esurient gremlin !! I knew that something was amiss when I saw 1.O at the outset itself !

    Woes of mine with Orkut !!

    Again, no takers today from the blog except the usuals !! What a shame ! How could the bloggers who are so serious about crosswords even miss?
