Sunday 30 June 2013

No 2745, Sunday 30 Jun 13

1   Fight fire in Bergen? (8) RUCKSACK {RUCK}{SACK}
5   Briefly visit doctor, at home after work (4,2) DROP IN {DR}{OP} {IN}
9   10 intercepted by the French in game (8) LACROSSE {L{ACROSS}E}
10 A bad-tempered over (6) ACROSS {A}{CROSS}
12 Impassive, one cutting incomplete pile of cards after a deal (5) STOIC {STO{1}Ck}
13 Without thinking, I slump lazily in one (2,7) ON IMPULSE {ON {I SLUMP}*E}
14 Substitute in back row (6,6) SECOND STRING {SECOND} {STRING}
18 Actor offering beer (cold), and stout (4,8) ALEC GUINNESS {ALE}{C} {GUINNESS}
21 The oldest service provider? (5,4) PRESS GANG [CD]
23 Girl from fine Hebridean island (5) FIONA {F}{IONA}
24 Fashionable elsewhere, to some extent (2,1,3) IN A WAY {IN} {A WAY}
25 Cast a spell on the way in (8) ENTRANCE [DD]
26 Deal with Italy, ultimately establishing alliance (6) TREATY {TREAT}{italY}
27 Wall hanging records experiment (8) TAPESTRY {TAPES}{TRY}

1   Portion of mackerel - is hollandaise sauce required? (6) RELISH [T]
2   Protect famous clown willing to participate (6) COCOON {COCO}{ON}
3   Take whisky, for example, before good savoury item (6,3) SCOTCH EGG {SCOTCH} {EG}{G}
4   In a magazine, a cocktail for a man of the world (12) COSMOPOLITAN [MD]
6   Step right up and one may get run over (5) RECAP {PACE}{R}<=
7   Make a public announcement in favour of demand (8) PROCLAIM {PRO}{CLAIM}
8   Gets gen off about Society and savings (4,4) NEST EGGS {NE{S}T EGGS*}
11 Deed Ghandi forged with an ulterior motive (6,6) HIDDEN AGENDA {DEED+GHANDI+AN}* Gandhiji must be turning in his grave to see the new spelling of his name, though I'm sure Everyman had no ulterior motives.
15 Little time to request Church of England to form a working party (4,5) TASK FORCE {T}{ASK FOR}{CE}
16 Trouble concealing blemish? Just the opposite with cosmetics (3,5) WAR PAINT {WAR {PAIN}T}
17 Demote king's English envoy (8) RELEGATE {R}{E}{LEGATE}
19 American hood seen in German city, and in Paris (6) BONNET {BONN}{ET}
20 Only just see under counter (6) BARELY {BAR}{ELY}
22 Small market, well-kept (5) SMART {S}{MART}


  1. 10:30 Special today by Afterdark

  2. Elsewhere, the setter himself has apologised for the misspelling of the Mahatma's name. He wonders how this happened, considering that he has used the name several times before correctly.

    Whether it's the Mahatma or the Feroze family, the surname has been misspelt thus in foreign publications, especially American, countless times.

    1. I had read somewhere that the family name of Feroze, a Parsi, was Ghandi, but over the years it was changed to Gandhi for better acceptance, glamour or whatever.

  3. Deed Ghandi forged with an ulterior motive (6,6) HIDDEN AGENDA {DEED+GHANDI+AN}* Gandhiji must be turning in his grave to see the new spelling of his name, though I'm sure Everyman had no ulterior motives.

    I initially thought that the 'misspelling' was deliberate to respect the sentiment that Gandhiji never had any ulterior motives. In any case it is only anagram fodder and had no meaning in cryptic reading.

    CV's comment, of course, changes that.

  4. The setter must have apologised out of abundant caution. He is on safe ground, IMO.

    Firstly, there is no reference in the clue to Mahatma or MK, so it need not be Gandhiji being referred to.
    Secondly, there is a surname Ghandi that is used, so it could be anybody.
    Thirdly, native names do get lost in transliteration. In fact, Feroze was usually ref. to as Ghandi.

    As Suresh says, it is only anagram fodder. For eg: Rama may be used as anagram fodder, but need not necessarily be taken as a ref. to Lord Rama, since it also used as a first name.

  5. Good Sunday fare.

    The cute girl under the bonnet looked prettier with the headgear on. All dressed up to go to the Sunday Church. Brought a cheer to the face !
