Sunday 19 May 2013

No 2739, Sunday 19 May 13

1   Circles rook with pieces following opponent's opening (6) ORBITS {O}{R}{BITS}
4   Catch post in western extremity (5,3) LANDS END {LAND}{S END}
9   25 left by river (5) LOUSE {L}{OUSE}

10 What may be taught at school about helium, head of mathematics is to test (9) CHEMISTRY {C{H}E}{M}{IS}{TRY} (Addendum - {C}{HE}{M}{IS}{TRY} - See comments)
11 Letter from Greece about a dance (7) LAMBADA {LAMB{A}DA}
12 Spanish wine imbibed by river results in easing of tension (7) DETENTE {DE{TENT}E}
13 Pretty sweet carton (9-3) CHOCOLATE BOX {CHOCOLATE} {BOX}
17 Dorset lighthouse seen in harbour - come ashore on account (8,4) PORTLAND BILL {PORT}{LAND} {BILL}
20 Le Carré novel, more readable (7) CLEARER* My COD
21 Vessel's gone out with everybody on board (7) GALLEON {G{ALL}EON*}
23 Cabins for the upwardly mobile? (5,4) CABLE CARS [CD]
24 Quiet old character in trim (5) PRUNE {P}{RUNE}
25 Hanger-on ruined pair's tea (8) PARASITE*
26 Want to change sides (6) DEFECT [DD]

1   Painting, superficially attractive, depicting ecological problem at sea (3,5) OIL SLICK {OIL} {SLICK}
2   Rodgers and Hart song, sad, second on (4,4) BLUE MOON {BLUE} {MO}{ON}
3   Greek character volunteers after article (5) THETA {THE}{TA}
5   Type of cattle under an age BSE affected? (8,5) ABERDEEN ANGUS*
6   Unfortunately did for two found washed up on a beach? (9) DRIFTWOOD*
7   Carry on with former nurse (6) EXTEND {EX}{TEND}

8   Poet in study, in need of a drink first (6) DRYDEN {DRY}{DEN}
10 Sort to leave acting role (9,4) CHARACTER PART {CHARACTER} {PART}
14 Sold us roe, processed, having no smell (9) ODOURLESS*
15 Cushy job at home in stable (8) SINECURE {S{IN}ECURE}
16 Ringing dope in factory (8) PLANGENT {PLAN{GEN}T}
18 Step one is to climb across cold mass covering the top of Everest? (6) ICECAP {1}{C}{ECAP}<=
19 Don't forget about leaving part (6) MEMBER reMEMBER
22 Circles vowel in error (5) LAPSE {LAPS}{E}


  1. 20 Le Carré novel, more readable (7) CLEARER* My COD


    Initially started thinking about all the titles before this dawned

  2. 10A - Anno

    I thought it was

    C - About
    HE - Helium

  3. Special today by The Battosai

  4. The Sunday Special reminds me of a College Exam paper, with special instructions written at the top:

    "All questions carry equal marks.
    Qu. 4 carries negative marks.
    Rough work may be done on the space provided in the booklet"


    1. Three answers per commenter
    2. Annotations to be compulsorily provided with the answer.
    3. Do not post the answer without annotation.

  5. ... and we have defaulters in spite of that!!
