Thursday 4 April 2013

No 10738, Thursday 04 Apr 13, Mover

Smooth opener from Mover.
1   Talk about Abel’s strange story (7) PARABLE {PAR<=}{ABLE*}
5   Crabby musician who indulges in minor frauds? (7) FIDDLER [DD]
8   University enthusiasts returning in confusion (5) SNAFU {SNAF}{U}<=
9   Pink flower club has no right to follow head nurse in purity measure (9) CARNATION {CAR{N}AT}{IrON}
11 Rusty like a retired doctor (3,2,8) OUT OF PRACTICE [DD]
13 Hurts thousand tangled threads (6) THRUMS {HURTS+M}*
16 I cast aspersions on key resident? (8) ISLANDER {I}{SLANDER}
18 What has poor Ali eaten to drive away his friends? (8) ALIENATE {ALI+EATEN}*
19 Perfume bottle company found in baked dish (6) FLACON {FLA{CO}N}
24 What happy divers presumably do? (4,2,7) COME UP SMILING [CD]
26 Top things disturbed cabaret (9) NIGHTSPOT*
27 Ruler crossing the ocean (5) LINER [DD]
28 Unusual drill can be quite sharp and savoury (7) RAREBIT {RARE}{BIT} Favourite dish of setters.
29 Not-so-ordinary, the taxi CEO ordered (7) EXOTICA*

1   Faint pout while embracing fool (4,3) PASS OUT {P{ASS} OUT}
2   Regarding player making a pile (7) REACTOR {RE}{ACTOR}
3   Steep bank used by poker players? (5) BLUFF [DD]
4   Call for further acts in the theatre (6) ENCORE [CD]
5   In front actors predict (8) FORECAST {FORE}{CAST}
6   French law about French flower (5) LOIRE {LOI}{RE}
7   Endless droning for a masterless samurai (5) RONIN dRONINg
10 Be unwell chasing a grand lady’s maid (7) ABIGAIL {A}{BIG}{AIL}
12 Her love; his exploits are admired (4) HERO {HER}{O}
14 Partly, such a lot indicates holiness (4) HALO [T]
15 Liberate husband suitable for children with German (7) MANUMIT {MAN}{U}{MIT}
17 Call girl player with instrument (8) STRUMPET {S}{TRUMPET} 'S' and player? (See comments)
20 Greek character opposed to red wine (7) CHIANTI {CHI}{ANTI}
21 Zaire gingerly includes backward country (7) NIGERIA [T<=]
22 Flier twice set badly (6) TSETSE {SET}*{SET}*
23 Five hundred in a top-rank monetary unit (5) DINAR {D}{IN}{A}{R}
24 Craig rolled a smoke (5) CIGAR*
25 Cool dwelling place for the convenience of the Inspector General (5) IGLOO {IG}{LOO} My COD


  1. 17 Call girl player with instrument (8) STRUMPET {S}{TRUMPET} 'S' and player?

    S for South as in a Bridge player

    1. Generally there is some indication for the game of bridge,isn't it? In this case it is probably put in to go with the instrument for us to be carried away.

    2. Not usually. N E W S are fairly common abbr. for player in crosswords.

  2. I too remembered The Fiddler on the Roof

  3. The full form of SNAFU was discussed here some time ago...

    1. The tamer version is Systems Normal All Fouled up ...

  4. 21A - But not-so-backward a country in e-mail scams and phishing

  5. Enjoyed today's grid - was it Mover who used to have lots of anagrams? This felt much more balanced.

  6. Nice puzzle.wonderful wordplayespecially 26,27,28a(drill is linked to bit (tool)really thoughtprovoking ones.Mover proves himself worthy of a wordsmith.

  7. I had missed this one earlier. Did someone notice. Crossword in ESPN Cricinfo !!

  8. Chianti reminds me of the venerable Dr Lecter

  9. :-). Thanks Mover. Great puzzle today! I could also 24A!

  10. Thank you Afterdark. Enjoyed doing the ESPN puzzle and also got my memory refreshed about a lot of past players.
