Monday 3 December 2012

No 10634, Monday 03 Dec 12, Sankalak

1   The climber that could make violent emotion develop fully (7,6) PASSION FLOWER {PASSION} {FLOWER}
10 Historical account in a very bad French article (9) CHRONICLE{CHRONIC}{LE}
11 Growth hormone, in a sudden attack, leads to a struggle (5) FIGHT {FI{GH}T}
12 All set to scan, ending uncertainty (5) READY {READ}{Y}
13 The sweetener in one’s hand? (4,5) PALM SUGAR [CD]
14 Roman figures in Emergency Room for medicine (6) ELIXIR {E{L}{I}{X}{I}R}
16 Dubious coterie captures bachelor in American State (5) CABAL {CA{BA}L}
19 Affected by alcohol, he is yet supple (5) LITHE {LIT}{HE}
20 A measure of scholastic achievement (6) DEGREE [DD]
25 Maria is on a whirl about the old Hittite land (4,5) ASIA MINOR*
26 Excess (of water, say) causes a bit of loss in what we eat (5) FLOOD {F{L}OOD}
27 Picture in picture (5) INSET [E]
28 Tsunami in which the tail waved oddly (5,4) TIDAL WAVE*
29 Monochrome reproduction in which things are sharply defined (5,3,5) BLACK AND WHITE [DD]

2   Sea that got master leaving mid-air act in a frenzy (8) ADRIATIC {mID+AIR+ACT}*
3   What a beach usually is (5) SANDY [CD]
4   Be busy with editing copy about copper (6) OCCUPY {OC{CU}PY*}
5   To release burden, be a sponger (8) FREELOAD {FREE}{LOAD}
6   Take bus to cafe surreptitiously to cause confusion (9) OBFUSCATE*
7   Employ English over a long time (6) ENGAGE {ENG}{AGE}
8   Worried, cares about carbon being deficient (6) SCARCE {S{C}ARCE*}
9   Begin to play the hero with a hint of toughness (5) START {STAR}{T}
15 Could the language of a nameless, manic idiot, confused, be colloquial and correct (9) IDIOMATIC {MAnIC+IDIOT}*
17 A cuppa, but not only in Shanghai (5,3) CHINA TEA [CD]
18 One of those that went with Jason (8) ARGONAUT [GK]
21 Currents in which a journalist ceases to exist (6) EDDIES {ED}{DIES}
22 Room in a taxi, one new (5) CABIN {CAB}{1}{N}
23 Girl with a large religious book (6) MISSAL {MISS}{A}{L}
24 Duke raged about being diminished in importance (6) GRADED {GRA{D}ED*}
26 Offensive language in a mehfil thoroughly disgusting (5) FILTH [T]


  1. Nice puzzle.

    3 What a beach usually is (5) SANDY [CD]

    And sometimes a storm is...

  2. Neat one. Liked 13A the best.

    1. +1
      Sankalak's CDs always bring a smile. One can relish and recall the surface often

  3. ABCDE :

    Maybe unsold novel is about a feeling of depression (6,5)

  4. Worked up a lot of sweat today. Good for health.

    1. Is the time that you exercise driven by how long you take to do the crossword ? Or did Sankalak make you sweat to get the answers ?

    2. Time for exercise is the same. If there is no crossword work I work out harder.

  5. Back after a few days away from Chennai. Nice one to start the week.

  6. 17 D - I thought CHINA TEA is local Chennai slang!
