Monday 16 April 2012

No 10438, Monday 16 Apr 12, Sankalak

1   - Singular word to describe a group of things (10,4) - COLLECTIVE NOUN [E]
8   - Universal ideas developed for goodbyes (6) - ADIEUS {U+IDEAS}*
9   - I've replaced gold in front tooth, clear and sharp (8) - INCISIVE INCIS(-or+i've)IVE
11 - He gets the machine going in a sudden stoppage with hesitation (9) - INSTALLER {IN}{STALL}{ER}
12 - Hard, slippery creatures, despicable ones (5) - HEELS {H}{EELS}
13 - Building with half the need provided by observers, reportedly (7) - EDIFICE {neED}{IF}{ICE}(~eyes)
15 - Pests that almost bind you and me around the street (7) - LOCUSTS {LOCk}{U{ST}S}
17 - Fragrant stuff to enrage one (7) - INCENSE [DD]
19 - Resin found in ammunition with a trace of carbon (7) - SHELLAC {SHELL}{A}{C}
21 - Type of musical composition, not large, not involving royalty (5) - FUGAL FrUGAL Needed help on this
23 - Pack too much in six deliveries, gloat and start dancing (9) - OVERCROWD {OVER}{CROW}{D}
25 - Look after the most important article in container (8) - MAINTAIN {MAIN}{T{A}IN}
26 - Popular act, one after the other (2,4) - IN TURN {IN} {TURN}
27 - Common sailor's food additive? (6,8) - SODIUM CHLORIDE [DD]
1   - A cup of tea, cut of lemon and something to cool it all (7) - CHALICE {CHA}{L}{ICE}
2   - Refuges with an atmosphere in the outskirts of Lourdes (5) - LAIRS {Lou{AIR}deS}
3   - Learning auctioned? Strange (9) - EDUCATION*
4   - Semi-proven art rejected, left on one side (7) - VENTRAL {proVEN}{TRA<-}{L}
5   - The sound of one with four legs or, beginning now, nearly eight! (5) - NEIGH {N}{EIGHt}
6   - Widespread in LAN, virus needs treatment with energy (9) - UNIVERSAL {LAN+VIRUS+E}*
7   - After a month, little sister gets a viral infection (6) - SEPSIS {SEP}{SISter}
10 - Depressed member of an Oxford team (4) - BLUE [DD]
14 - False identityin Congo it is unusual (9) - INCOGNITO*
16 - Belief surrounds shortened scene in a climax (9) - CRESCENDO {CRE{SCENe}DO}
17 - Bad reputation of a modern household, without one pound! (6) - INFAMY {IN}{FAMilY}
18 - Self-importanceit goes crumbling with the onset of meekness (7) - EGOTISM {IT+GOES*}{M}
19 - Proceed legally on time and get fat (4) - SUET {SUE}{T}
20 - The rhythm of a strange dance in church (7) - CADENCE {DANCE*}{CE}
22 - Police use it still, a thing carried (5) - LATHI [T]
24 - Optician losing the way in Windows (5) - OCULI OCULIst


  1. 13A The ICE in edifice is not pronounced like 'eyes'.

    So is this technically correct?

  2. Smooth one from Sankalak!

    Fantastic cartoon, Deepak. The entire family of six at the breakfast table !

  3. Today's TH carries the headline Taliban strikes across Afhanistan.

    Can this be interpreted just like Railwaymen srike across India...

    wonder what terrorists do when they take time off from the job...

    would that be headlined as Taliban goes on strike across Afghanistan

  4. We have incognito figuring today once again

  5. I am not able to understand the Anno for 27A. While it is a food additive, where does common sailor fit in?
    Good puzzle though and as usual Col's blog helps to clarify the cryptic parts. Thanks from us newbies ....!!

  6. common salt. 'salt' being a word for sailor.

  7. Hard to relish the sort of humour in the crow family cartoon!(:

    1. I agree (except about the 'crow' part, of course).

  8. Suresh/ Col.

    For 13A- 'ice'- 'eyes' homonym is right if it is considered for that part of the word and not the entire word.'ed' & 'if' are taken care of by separate indicators,isn't it?

    1. Indeed. Taken as a component, 'ice' sounds like eyes. Looks non-misleading to me. :)

      Re: 21A, the definition refers to a noun and the answer ends up being an adjective. I had FUGUE in for a few minutes, before I realised that an R cannot be inserted anywhere to result in a word that means "not large".

    2. It is not misleading. Only not elegant. Jars a bit. That is why I asked if it was technically okay. I personally did not like it.
