Saturday 14 January 2012

No 10361, Saturday 14 Jan 12, Sankalak

1   - Support three feet of a bit of garden (8) - BACKYARD {BACK}{YARD}
5   - Creature, naughty one from Berlin, say? Not half (6) - BADGER {BAD}{GERman}
10 - Tailless monkey beginning to relish performing on a part of the stage (5) - APRON {APe}{R}{ON}
11 - Scientist of the soil, bigot reformed (9) - BIOLOGIST*
12 - Earmark a board — it is for reading matter (9) - BOOKSHELF {BOOK}{SHELF}
13 - Prefix for a man as well as gold, in retrospect (5) - ANDRO {AND}{RO<-}
14 - Carefree soldier died, died unknown (5) - GIDDY {GI}{D}{D}{Y}
16 - Chickens placed right inside cooking vessels (8) - BROILERS {B{R}OILERS}
18 - Heartless and cruel, a CID sits awkwardly (8) - SADISTIC*
20 - Requirements of bridge partners escorting English editor (5) - NEEDS {N{E}{ED}S}
24 - Follow heartless Ellen, girl! (5) - ENSUE {ElleN}{SUE}
25 - Part of theatre favours label, oriental (9) - BACKSTAGE {BACKS}{TAG}{E}
27 - Plenitude seen in a bad nuance perhaps (9) - ABUNDANCE*
28 - Seconds leave dictator in storehouse (5) - DEPOT DEsPOT
29 - Germ found in them Bryophyllums (6) - EMBRYO [T]
30 - A card seen struggling to go up once more (8) - REASCEND*
1   - Can a British comedian get a cushion? (4,3) - BEAN BAG {BEAN} {BAG}
2   - Passengers, enough to fill the vehicle (7) - CARLOAD [CD]
3   - Pulls exercised by Americans (5) - YANKS [DD]
4   - Deadly disease means a reverse for advocates — that is sure to start with (6) - RABIES {RAB<-}{IE}{S}
6   - Worship with fuss over allotment (9) - ADORATION {ADO}{RATION}
7   - In the kitchen it is a grand conundrum (7) - GRIDDLE {G}{RIDDLE}
8   - Allowances for deserters concealing charge (7) - RATIONS {RAT{ION}S}
9   - Flames seen on Guy Fawkes Day (7) - BONFIRE [GK]
15 - Today tomorrow (9) - YESTERDAY [CD]
17 - Break up a sleuth's group (7) - DISBAND {DI'S}{BAND}
18 - Leak caused by a rising void, a bit enigmatic, in bishop's responsibility (7) - SEEPAGE {SE{E}{PAG<-}E}
19 - I'd burst out to cause an upset (7) - DISTURB*
21 - A role model once more than adequate (7) - EXAMPLE {EX}{AMPLE}
22 - Smelt a bit of money held by society editor (7) - SCENTED {S}{CENT}{ED}
23 - A plan to mesh with church characters somehow (6) - SCHEME {MESH+CE}*
26 - Teams challenge decisions to drop icon (5) - SIDES DEciSIonS*


  1. 14 - Carefree soldier died, died unknown (5) - GIDDY {GI}{D}{D}{Y}

    Reminded of comment about Indiana Jones' father: Giddy as a schoolboy !

    1 - Can a British comedian get a cushion? (4,3) - BEAN BAG {BEAN} {BAG}

    Reminded of Rowan Atkinson and Black Adder.

    9 - Flames seen on Guy Fawkes Day (7) - BONFIRE [GK]

    Right in time for Lohri.

    15 - Today tomorrow (9) - YESTERDAY [CD]

  2. Yes Kishore. Lots of interesting clues & answers too. Enjoyed doing it.
    Wishing everyone a happy Pongal/ Makara Sankaranthi. (Though it may not be as gala elsewhere as in Tamilnadu.)

  3. 9D-
    Thought of gunfire first, since Guy Fawkes is always associated with gunpowder plot (till I got the biologist)

  4. Yet another good job from Sankalak, though easy on the mind.

    The anagrams are at once decipherable to a discerning solver.

    Keep it coming, Sankalak
