Saturday 5 November 2011

No 10301, Saturday 05 Nov 11, Sankalak

1   - Sweet plate apt to crack right inside (5,4) - APPLE TART {APPLE TA{R}T*}
5   - Orally permitted to be audible (5) - ALOUD (~allowed)
8   - Call, in a match, to make things visible (5,3) - BRING OUT [DD] (Addendum - {B{RING} OUT} - See comments)
9   - Valuable things, when followed by six games (6) - ASSETS {AS}{SETS}
11 - End of daylight in mid-day? Unacceptable (3,2) - NOT ON {NO{T} ON}
12 - A seat for the vocal EC presiding officer (4,5) - EASY CHAIR (~ec){EASY} {CHAIR}
13 - Aristotle, let off, turned tense (6) - AORIST {ARISTOtle}*
14 - Confusion caused by sari torn in cart (8) - DISARRAY {D{ISAR*}RAY}
16 - In flight, song is tolerated (8) - AIRBORNE {AIR}{BORNE}
18 - Joined together (like digits) but weakened after onset of winter (6) - WEBBED {W}{EBBED}
22 - Product of a nut, lad on limo cracked (6,3) - ALMOND OIL*
23 - Bloomer seen in the return of unknown photo (5) - PANSY {PANS<-}{Y}
24 - Organ with a cross, it may block sound reception (6) - EAR WAX {EAR} {W}{A}{X}
25 - Sickening, though said to be cultivated, a bit (8) - GRUESOME (~grew){GRUE}{SOME}
26 - In retrospect, girl is a strainer (5) - SIEVE {SI}{EVE}<-
27 - Clean arts, developed or inherited? (9) - ANCESTRAL*
1   - Capone encountering Indian merchant in the Balkans (7) - ALBANIA {AL}{BANIA}
2   - Gun dog comes to a full stop with hesitation (7) - POINTER {POINT}{ER}
3   - Sporting event that, in confusion, gorgons end apace (3,3,5,4) - EGG AND SPOON RACE*
4   - Keen insight shown in a prompt cut short by people (6) - ACUMEN {A}{CUt}{MEN} (Addendum - {A}{CUe}{MEN} - See comments}
5   - News agency connected with print media (10,5) - ASSOCIATED PRESS {ASSOCIATED} {PRESS}
6   - Not good for intra-mural activity! (4,3) - OPEN AIR [CD]
7   - The French make an effort to suppress love and put an end to it (7) - DESTROY {DES}{TR{O}Y}
10 - Direction to musicians given by Petrossi anonymously (5) - OSSIA [T]
15 - The nose of a knight, covered in coal dust (5) - SNOOT {S{N}OOT}
16 - Film about Austrian composer made in USA, curiously (7) - AMADEUS {A{MADE}US*}
17 - Regret shown by Engineer over code-maker (7) - REMORSE {RE}{MORSE}
19 - Good evening for boors in transit (3,4) - BON SOIR* Enumeration should have been (7)
20 - Source of power in dreary digs in jail (3,4) - DRY CELL {DRY} {CELL}
21 - Man of religion, office worker ditches knight, getting in charge (6) - CLERIC {CLERk}{IC}


  1. Very smooth again.
    My only gripe is a personal bugbear - "DES" is not "the" in French. It is "some" or "of the". So if the clue had been "some French make an effort..." it would have worked better for me.

  2. In sync with DD. Again, the long/phrasal were nicely handled.

    13a AORIST, reminded me of the 'Lakaras' in Sanskrit.

  3. Col

    for 8a, I had it the anno as
    B {RING} OUT
    RING == call &
    BOUT == match

    Would that fit as well ?

  4. Ossia & Aorist were new to me. One more good and interesting,engaging CW from Sankalak. Enjoyed starting the day with it.

  5. I too took it like VP.

  6. Another satisfying one.
    Agree with DD about 'DE/DES', but have found many setters doing the same!

  7. 24 Across - i solved it as EAR CAP.

  8. Vijay,

    'Cap' does not suit 'with a cross'

  9. 1. Could 4D 's reasoning be A+CUE (=Prompt) - E +MEN?
    2. Also, I couldn't reason out 24A Organ = ear and cross=x , how does the W fit in?

  10. MKJ,

    You are right on ACUMEN

    Regarding 24A

    Organ = EAR
    with = W
    a = A
    cross = X
    it may block sound reception = Definition = EAR WAX
