Tuesday 6 September 2011

No 10251, Tuesday 06 Sep 11, Gridman

Off to the hopital for m-i-l's dressing, so not adding cartoons. Gridman has answered Kishores' desire of the other day in todays' 22D.
Thanks to Veer I was saved the ordeal of typing out the clues as the online paper is yet to appear.
1   - Adult joke recalled after good dustup (5-2) - GROWN-UP {G}{ROW}{N-UP<-}
5   - Badger spy on street (6) - MOLEST {MOLE}{ST}
9   - Wealth of fool and alien combined (5) - ASSET {ASS}{ET}
10 - Outre? US and SA styles to bride's outfit (9) - TROUSSEAU*
11 - Portion for head of roisterers in bar (7) - EXCERPT {EXCE{R}PT}
12 - Lowliness is not remarkable quality of a person with such a head (7) - SWOLLEN LOWLiNESs* &lit
13 - Live with wife in little valley (5) - DWELL {D{W}ELL}
14 - In small, small back-street, dance on finding a confectionery store (5,4) - SWEET SHOP {S}{WEE}{T S<-}{HOP}
16 - Roused up masters in lazy crowd (5,4) - INERT MASS*
19 - Model approximately part of body (5) - TORSO {T}{OR}{SO}
21 - Almost certain addition is more than what's needed (7) - SURPLUS {SURe}{PLUS}
23 - Chat in microblogging service (7) - TWITTER [DD]
24 - Mad, mad errors in a military command (5,4) - ORDER ARMS*
25 - Small, feverish throng (5) - SWARM {S}{WARM}
26 - One politician's performance produces significant effect (6) - IMPACT {I}{MP}{ACT}
27 - Name in French what goes on the book cover (7) - ENTITLE {EN}{TITLE}
1   - When one enters the cemetery (5,9) - GRAVE ADMISSION [CD]
2   - Socialiser makes no air about broken bone (7) - OSSICLE SOCIaLiSEr*
3   - There are no wild cards in it! (7) - NATURAL [CD] From the game of Rummy
4   - Begins a voyage as a sailor might (4,2,3) - PUTS TO SEA [CD}
5   - Murky trade leaves moderators in wastelands (5) - MOORS MO(derat*)ORS
6   - Spend extravagantly! Almost all return and yell (4,3) - LASH OUT {lAL<-}{SH OUT}
7   - Halt waveringly after short stride: furtiveness is required! (7) - STEALTH {STEp}{ALTH*}
8   - TV show that should make you laugh (5,9) - FUNNY PROGRAMME [E]
15 - Essay to leaders of East End so constructed as to be readily understood (4,2,3) - EASY TO SEE EASY TO S(EE)*
17 - Title model traipses after embracing a Romeo (7) - EARLDOM {E{A}{R}LDOM*}
18 - Trail AA traced to reach Mercury's transport (7) - TALARIA*
19 - Model gets alien matching pair (7) - TWINSET {T}{WINS}{ET}
20 - Former U.S. President backs off taking time to do so (7) - RETRACT {RETRAC<-}{T}Definition in t he middle?
22 - Sun bottom fish (5) - SPRAT {S}{PRAT}


  1. Let me see what solvers think of 20d. G slightly made a change yesterday from what he had written originally but didn't quite think of the def. part.

  2. CV, I was exactly thinking about the same clue. That it unusually has the definition in the middle.

  3. No, it doesn't have the def. in the middle. Let me wait for other comments.

  4. (From yesterday)




    Please scroll down till the heading 'six sense'.

    Answers not to be discussed here.

  5. 20D looks imaginative to me. I substituted 'backs off' in the end: to do so = to back off, which gives the definition as retract.

    Good to see such innovations.

  6. Pretty pleased to see the lousy E clues completely abandoned by G. The only clue where I have a doubt is 2D:

    Socialiser makes no air about broken bone (7) - OSSICLE

    Given 'broken' is the anagrind, about is redundant. Also 'makes' in fact mars the smooth indication of removal.

  7. Sudalamanai:

    Your interpretation about the def. is quite correct.

    'to do so' looks back at 'backs off' but at the same time the correct tense is called for.

  8. Given 'broken' is the anagrind, about is redundant. Also 'makes' in fact mars the smooth indication of removal.

    No, the about is to be applied as a AInd to "air" whose letters don't appear in the same order in "socialiser". That is conscientious clueing from the setter.

  9. Confused about 6D
    I thought to spend extravagantly was splash out
    To me lash out is to yell or attack
    So it looks like a confusion of the two. Nearly all splash out is lash out = yell
    But nearly all returns = la
    Yell = shout
    = lash out
    Not checked with dictionaries yet, am I just missing a def of lash out I don't know?

  10. Further, I personally don't have a problem with makes

  11. @David, I had the same doubt, but Chambers says:

    lash out (v) : To lavish or squander (obsolete)

  12. Yes, 'makes no air about' is del ind with del fodder; 'broken' is AInd. Only 'bone' is the def.

    I am happy that one solver or the other is spot on about the setter's intention.

  13. Chambers:

    lash out to kick out, fling out or hit out without restraint; to spend extravagantly.

  14. @David, check out the free dictionary:

    Seemingly the def is "Brit informal" usage ;)

    No, the about is to be applied as a AInd to "air" whose letters don't appear in the same order in "socialiser". That is conscientious clueing from the setter.

    Should the removal fodder be in the same order as in the original? I don't think G or Neyartha ever follow such a rule. Your explanation still does not explain 'makes'. Also AFAI see it, anagrinds can only indicate a jumble to form meaningful words!

  15. I am still unable to clearly understand why 'makes no air about' means 'remove the letters A, I and R' :((

  16. Sudalamani I was saying "[fodder] makes [solution]" form of the clue sounds fine.

  17. Thanks all - confusion settled.
    2D didnt strike me as odd when I did it.
    Wasn't sure about def in 20D but thought it was a mix of to do and former.

  18. Apologies - was being dim!
    Now see that "to do so" gets the correct tense of "backs off" - very clever!

  19. 20D I won't classify it. Backs off relates to Carter and is not the def. But he would take time to back off or retract from whatever. So maybe & lit.

  20. Not really convinced about all the explanations that have been adduced for 20d. Clearly an afterthought.

  21. 20D: I think the technique works but problem is that "backs off" leads to RETRACTS and not RETRACT. So the clue's not entirely convincing IMO.

  22. VJ, It's a carefully penned clue. Let me try to explain:

    Former U.S. President backs off taking time to do so

    is rewritten as

    Former U.S. President backs off, taking time to back off

    So. it is the 'to back off' in the end which acts as the definition.

  23. You have put it well Sudalamani

  24. Sudalamani@10.55-
    I would even put the comma further down the sentencs-
    "Former U.S.president backs off taking time,to do so."

    Now it is very clear that "to do so"is the def.

  25. Padmanabhan, Putting s comma would not fit into the surface reading at all.
    I think it is okay as it is

  26. Aha!! I was wondering what's all this hoohaa about. Thanks CV for giving the site details. Shall have a gogo at it.

  27. After some Comments above, I tried to put another but, try as I might, it never got in.

    Let me try now - though this is not what I tried to post previously.

    In Tamil we say "Avanukku 10,000 roobaa kedachchadhu. Orey nall-le adhaiyellam dhuvamsam pannittaan."

    The phrase seems to approximate to 'lashed out' (spent extravagantly or recklessly).

    Some rabid Tamil enthusiasts may avoid the phrase as it has a Sanskrit flavour about it but I am an old-fashioned language lover.

  28. Thanks Sudalamani... Somehow I missed your earlier explanation. Colonel in his OP has pointed out that the definition is in the middle. So I thought something was missing.

  29. Copy of mail received from Venkatesh Prabhakar, a commenter on this blog is reproduced below. Please do visit his blog and give him the necessary critique


    My name is Venkatesh Prabhakar and I have been following your blog since early this year. I post a few questions occasionally with Id VP (my initials).
    I became interested in cryptic crosswords and duly tried my hand at creating one. I subsequently posted it to this blog:
    VP's Crosswords

    I wanted to check with you and if possible request you to provide this link sometime along with your posts/comment. In case yourself or anyone following your blog is interested in solving and/or providing comments, it would really help me to learn and correct mistakes. This is my first time, so needless to say its an amateurish attempt, so apologies upfront for obvious errors which I may have made.

    Thanks a lot,


  30. Colonel, Thanks again, Really appreciate it.
    Would love to hear any feedback to help me improve.

  31. Thanks, Chaturvasi for the link to AHA Puzzles.

  32. 19 - Model approximately part of body (5) - TORSO {T}{OR}{SO}

    Model is T. What about OR and SO?

