Thursday 21 April 2011

No 10134, Thursday 21 Apr 11, M Manna

1   - Sluggishness shown in hesitation by Spanish aunt (7) - {IN}{ER}{TIA}
5   - Enraged by throwing of bomb (7) - GRENADE*
9   - Supply of material for sale (5) - STOCK [E]
10 - Airborne fighter needs chart found in book (9) - {PARA}{GRAPH}
11 - A lively person to encourage (6) - SPIRIT [DD]
12 - Keep in check (8) - RESTRAIN [E]
14 - Moves gradually sideways (5) - EDGES [E]
15 - Crawlers receiving angry letters (9) - {ASP{IRATE}S}
18 - Uninteresting sets least used (9) - TASTELESS*
20 - Poet keeps metre for speed and rhythm (5) - TE(M)PO*
22 - Distress a pupil (8) - LACERATE Why pupil?
24 - Harsh settlement forced on the defeated (6) - DIKTAT [CD]
26 - Went through the notes too quickly (9) - OVERSPENT [CD]

27 - Oracular (5) - VATIC [E]
28 - Set teas served in stately homes (7) - ESTATES*
29 - Critical examiner (7) - PERUSER [E]
1   - Very emphatic little sister — about design (9) - {IN{SIS}TENT}
2   - Nibbling at the part of Herod in God spell (7) - ERODING [T]
3   - Argue the point to bring the children along (4,5) - {TAKE} {ISSUE}
4   - Lake in resort backed by mountains (4) - {A{L}PS<-}
5   - Slug possibly represents danger to stray pets (6,4) - {GARDEN*} {PEST*}
6   - Few would include a soldier among the climbers (5) - {E{IG<-}HT<-}
7   - Quite without reason a retiring worker is inflexible (7) - {A}{DAM<-}{ANT
8   - One may then get around to him (5) - ETH(A)N*
13 - Reserve troops made a smaller advance, lacking expertise (10) - {TA}{LENT}{LESS}
16 - One gets back the canine (9) - RETRIEVER [DD]
17 - Racer is to show off an injury (6,3) - {SPORT}{S CAR}
19 - Wearied to the point of being most disgusted (7) - SICKEST [CD]
21 - Greek characters going round an art gallery see changes (7) - {MU{TATE}S}

22 - Unattached and free Englishman in Oslo (5) - LOOS(E)*
23 - Steer towards harbour to receive stolen goods (5) - RESET* What is the AInd here? Never knew this meaning of reset.
25 - Opts to obstruct passage (4) - STOP*


  1. Liked cartoon for 26a. Reminded me of an old conker:

    A successful man is one who earns more than his wife can spend. A successful wife is one who gets such an husband.

    Of course, this idea is outdated....

  2. Any further explanation for 15D? How does LENT come into it? I incorrectly thought "Reserve" was the clue, and so walked down the garden path...

  3. 13 - Reserve troops made a smaller advance, lacking expertise (10) - {TA}{LENT}{LESS}

    Advance(v) = Lend, so
    made a smaller advance = LENT LESS

  4. Careless clueing bordering on the amateurish. If 'throwing' is the AInd for 5 then pray why is 'by' appearing between it and the fodder (enraged)? Similarly in 7, if 'retiring' is the reversal indicator for mad ('without reason') why is 'a' appearing between the two? And how does the wordplay indicate that the 'mad' reversal should come after 'a' for the definition "adamant"?

    These are just samples.

  5. I am also not happy with 22a-lacerate.I was thinking of literati,but that has no relevance to distress.It also does not suit the crossing.Anyone?

  6. Hi Vikram, 7, I think is MAD A retiring to give ADAM.

  7. Did not like today's puzzle. Careless clueing as Vikram said.
    22 a I think Manna meant something related to corneal laceration which affects pupil of eye? :)
