Saturday 18 December 2010

No 10028, Saturday 18 Dec 10, Nita Jaggi

Off early to the airport.
1   - Proud worker guards the car in Goa with determination (8) - {A{RR}{OGA*}NT} Why determination?
5   - Scratch inside in this part of the face (4) - CHIN [T]
9   - Girls in England are relishing the wine (8) - {RI(E)SLING*}
10 - Come out with half of them from the sandy area in the East (6) -{thEM}{ERG}{E
12 - Drop the basin (4) - SINK [DD]
13 - Fixed an office item overheard (10) - STATIONARY(~stationery)
15 - Translation by a petitioner for recovery (14) - INTERPRETATION* Origin of letters NTR not known
17 - One who may end life with a spirit of patriotism (7,7) - FREEDOM FIGHTER [CD] Why should he/she end life?
21 - Characters are certain for an altered location as seen from the earth (10) - REFRACTION*
22 - Specifically the borders of India are in this continent (4) - {AS}{IndiA}
25 - Well-bred Italian banker is settled in England (6) - {PO}{LIT}{E}
26 - One with a loud voice maybe (8) - BIGMOUTH [CD]

27 - New English royal house (4) - YORK Anno pending. Something to do with New York?
28 - A novice (8) - BEGINNER [E]
1   - Check side in areas without the tail light (6) - {AR{R}EaS}{T} What indicates deletion of A and addition of T?
2   - Herein flows out an eastern river (5) - RHEINe*
3   - Girl is in the middle of the field during the strong wind (4) - {GAL}{E}
4   - 24/7 kind of music (7) - NONSTOP [CD] Why kind of music?
6   - Branch of medicine has a centre for pathology constructed out of a log (10) - {HOME}{OPATHYlog*}
7   - New artist holds the right to omit an account from the active kind of story (9) - {N}{A{R}R}{A}{acTIVE} Not sure of Anno
8   - Other side is hostile (5) - ENEMY [CD]
11 - Holy man is at ease on the ladder (4) - {ST}{EE} New word for me
14 - School officer is ashamed to correct the heartless executive finally (10) - {HEADMAS*}{ThE}{R} R from ? executive finally is E
16 - In an essential manner grant consideration entirely (9) -{NEED}{FULLY}
18 - Quiet beast has time left in place (4) - MU(-l+t)TE 'time left in place'!!

19 - To worship, I had some oldies outdoors initially (7) - {I'D}{OLISEd*}
20 - Plumber's item used to be for the woman (6) - {WAS}{HER}
21 - I had to follow the popular music style in a fast way (5) - {RAP}{I'D}
23 - Reject the pony provoker in the Norwegian capital (5) - {SPUR}{N}
24 - Evil spirit in front of one soldier (4) - {IMP}{I}


  1. Hi
    IMP-I and REISLING*required confirmation by Google. Wondered why on the earth reference to earth was required in 21a. Did not like cluing of ARREST, SHED, GALE, ENEMY, HEADMASTER, POLITE, YORK, BEGINNER, STYE (?)....
    Individual clues or completion did not yield satisfaction... I anticipate a barrage from the sapper.

  2. Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao ;-)

    1 - Check side in areas without the tail light (6) - {AR{R}EaS}{T} What indicates deletion of A and addition of T?

    side= R
    in=insertion indicator
    areas without the= ARE(-a)S
    tail light=T

  3. 1 - Proud worker guards the car in Goa with determination (8) - {A{RR}{OGA*}NT} Why determination?

    Probably wanted to use an Anind on the lines of devastation and ARROGANCE led to determination being used.

  4. Weird puzzle today.

    YORK = New

    with determination = anagram indicator

    the = A

    We got a dead free fighter (too much melodrama)

    Non-stop = A music genre

    No clue for NTR (he's gone and so's the clue for it. All symbolic I reckon)

    Artist holds = AR RA


  5. Apropos the mule in 18d, I am reminded of Balaam's donkey which refuses to move from its stated position, a la la femme...

  6. ARES can be areas even without a deletion indicator. But I cannot see how T can be an abbreviation for tail light

  7. Re 15A maybe some word like 'cry' or yell got missed out in the printing.

  8. Suresh,
    Tail light meaning tail of light which is T, Eureka

  9. @ Kishore from yesterday - Ur take on Patticake was just hilarious! :)

    Today's CW was much better than yesterday's. Yesterday was quite loopy. Some really clever clues today. Maybe NJ is evolving after all! As I understand it from other setters who post here, the CW has approx a 6 month lag from when the setter submits it to THC... so I'm looking forward to better NJ sets in the future! :)

  10. Wow! just read the posts before mine. I guess I must be mummified ..err... NJified! Darn... withdrawal symptoms to look forward to, next week! :)

  11. The timelag of six months applies only to Gridman as he has been working steadily ever since he started work and prepares a bunch every month - with no glance at date of publication.
    The same may not be true in the case of all other setters.
    PS: For those who did not visit this blog last evening: I have given the URL for the full text of the Swiss bank UBS's dress code and also a link to a machine translation in English. We have followed these up with our own codes for Indian male and female teachers.

  12. ah... ok. Thanks CV for the clarification. turn to show off some research that I did... hopefully, it's correct. :)


    I think "Car" = RRAG - Rolls Royce Auto Group
    After VW and then BMW bought RR, I think the AG suffix was inherited by RR also. Actually, AG is German... I'm guessing it means Auto Group... but it actually stands for
    Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
    Hence, BMW AG is Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and VW AG...

    Hence, GOA with determination is really just "O".

    Still doesn't explain why AG become GA without a proper Anind... but it's not too hard to imagine NJ thinking of GA as AG!


  13. love the cartoon on BIGMOUTH!!! :)

  14. VJ's frantic exclamation indicates that he had fallen in line with the rest finally on this weird setter, puzzle being weird is incidental.

  15. @Kishore from yesterday-
    I have been "patting" the cake many times since I saw it last night.Just fantastic!!Keep up your versing-you are going great.

  16. Prince Andrew is the Duke of York-one of the latest additions to the English Royal family.The link below gives the details:

    Maybe this is what NJ meant.The trouble with NJ is that we have to fill the grid by hook or crook (mostly crook) and then start running around to find justifications(?).Needs a big reversal indicator on top.

  17. Padmanabhan,
    York is an English royal house.I was wondering why there was New in the clue.

  18. Maybe this was how NJ looked at it.

    New York = New YORK = New English royal house, to make it LHS = RHS

  19. Hi,
    From that long list of abbreviations, I saw that PO is Italian banker and Lit is settled . But didn't understand the connection/expansion. Can someone please help?

  20. 'Lit on' is used with the meaning of 'settled on' as in saying 'the butterfly lit on the flower'. While the 'flower' used in the above is a fav amongst crossworders for river, this setter seems to have used the name of the Italian river PO with the connection that a river has banks and hence may be 'a banker'.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. For eg: Alfred Lord Tennyson used this in:

    in the line "On the tree-tops a crested peacock lit,"

    The word probably comes from lighted/alighted meaning settled down.
