Sunday 28 March 2010

No 2578, Sunday 28 Mar 10

1 - Place to sleep for daughter in town (7) - {BED}{FOR}{D}
5 - Pollster in Missouri State (4) - {MO}{RI} Result of a google search I presume RI is from Rhode Island State
9 - The gin ran out? Something only just avoided (4,5) - NEAR THING*
10 - Piece of coal in colliery cut into small pieces (5) - MIN{C}E
11 - Army officer, the elder of two brothers (5) - MAJOR [DD]
12 - Inspect butcher's circular (4,5) - {LOOK} {ROUND} How are Butcher and look connected?(Addendum see Shuchi's comment below for explanation)
13 - Awful hardship, so real in a volume of poetry (1,10,3) - A SHROPSHIRE LAD* Had to google search this
16 - Dog moves awkwardly where there's new pelican crossing (7,7) - C{LUMBER S}PANIEL*

19 - Gloomy? Sunnier at resort (9) - SATURNINE*
21 - Large hospital at end of that wide bay (5) - {BIG}{H}{T}
22 - Talk about Ecstasy con (5) - CH{E}AT
23 - Make drunk, mixing a beer in it (9) - INEBRIATE*
24 - Info wanted about lake in valley (4) - G{L}EN
25 - No trouble, we hear, landing on net from swing (7) - {TRAP}{EZE}(~ease)
1 - Fertilizer, one Mabel spread outside (8) - BONEMEAL*
2 - Sweet character penning boy a farewell note (4,4,6) - {DEAR {JOHN} LETTER}
3 - Working with sailor, one round lake (7) - {ON}{TAR}{I}{O}
4 - Doctor's bad practice (5) - {DR}{ILL}
5 - Wild animals go in trees (9) - MAGNOLIAS*

6 - Feeling of guilt about son breaking and entering again (7) - {RE}{MOR{S}E}
7 - Abusive about a video that advertises adhesive material (10,4) - {INSUL{A}T}I{ON TAPE} Anno for I pending(Addendum - {ISUL{A}TING} {TAPE} - See Shuchi's and Sandhya's comments below)
8 - Was first to engage a guide (4) - LE{A}D
14 - Wine - review one's limit (2-7) - ST EMILION*
15 - Everyone at that place is completely sane (3,5) - {ALL} {THERE}
17 - Mum on trial after break-up of marriage (7) - {MA}{RITAL*}
18 - Wary about book on a part of Canada (7) - {AL{B}ERT}{A}
19 - Cashier in bed (4) - SACK [DD]
20 - English Opening in tournament (5) - {E}{VENT}

Richard, Shuchi and self met for lunch yesterday here are two snaps from our lunch renedezvous at the Sahib Sindh Sultan restaurant at Forum mall in Bangalore


  1. Thanks Colonel. It was great to meet up with you.

    7D: Abusive about a video that advertises adhesive material (10,4) - {INSUL{A}T}I{ON TAPE}

    Does INSULATING TAPE fit? abusive = INSULTING, video = TAPE

    12A: When some word association makes no sense, my thumb rule is to check for rhyming slang. Therein lies the key to the riddle in this case. "Butcher's hook" or "butcher's" for short, is rhyming slang for "look".

  2. Abusive about a video that advertises adhesive material (10,4) - {INSUL{A}T}I{ON TAPE} Anno for I pending


    Great pics!

  3. who took the photos? A passer-by?

  4. Nice way of deciphering clues. Looking forward opening the link everyday.
    my answering improved a lot after entered and following this forum. by the way nice photos
