Thursday 10 September 2009

No 9633, Thursday, 10 Sep 09, M.Manna

In a hurry, leaving some annotations unsolved
1 - Downfall of a rotter in a legal action (7) - CAS{CAD}E
5 - I’m in favour yet show displeasure (7) - GR{IM}ACE
10 - Nil rebels involved in bringing the wall down in this city (6) - BERLIN [T<-] )
11 - Whatever happens, I intend to turn the key in it (8) - IN{C}IDENT*
12 - Seeing first class cricket match make declaration (6) - {AT}{TEST}
13 - Guess I’m in property (8) - EST{IM}ATE
14 - Steer around square to get on the way (6) - S{T}REET*
15 - Course on orals arranged for navigation systems (6) - LORA{N}S*
18 - Joining a party extremist much admired (6) - {A}{DO}{RED}
20 - Flushed runs a ring around military policeman (6) - {RED}{CAP}
23 - It’s my belief people are occupying the building (8) - TENE{MEN}T
25 - Lawless character making copper angry (6) - {P}IRATE
26 - Are not so concerned about, being unintelligent (8) - {MIND}{LESS}
27 - UNESCO distributed small quantities (6) - OUNCES*
28 - Blue steel possibly required by an engineer (7) - {CE}LESTE *
29 - Runs over a second time (7) - REREADS [CD]
2 - Silver sent for distribution to representatives (6) - {AG}ENTS*
3 - For him, business is picking up (9) - COLLECTOR [CD]
4 - For meals, Ted arranged a tent as part of kitchen (7) - D{I}{NETT*}E
6 - A detailed account of a public music performance (7) - RECITAL [CD]
7 - Mother takes daughter early morning to meet elderly woman (5) - MA{D}{AM}
8 - Dependable algebraic quantity (8) - CONSTANT [DD]
9 - But not voiced (6,7) - SILENT PROTEST [CD]
16 - On getting back the cooker, move everything around (9) - {REAR}{RANGE}
17 - A small deposit secures! (8) - ADHESIVE ?
19 - Most profoundly engrossed (7) - DEEPEST [CD]
21 - Mourn ailing old peer (7) - DEPLORE*
22 - Tent made for lawyer, to wait (6) - A{TTEN*}D
24 - Heard he could move round and round (5) - EDDIE(~eddy)


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