Sunday 7 June 2009

No 2536, Sunday, 07 Jun 09

Relatively easy Sunday, only aanotation for 10D took some time to work out
1 - Get up in cold wing (5) - {C}LIMB
4 - Drake, thus, spliced knot (5,4) - TURKS HEAD* See the link on how to make the knot
9 - A worker, after advance, is to give assistance (4,1,4) - LEND A HAND [CD]
10 - Tracks secretive birds (5) - RAILS [DD]
11 - One having a relationship with a much younger partner lends character somehow (6-8) - CRADLE SNATCHER*
13 - Girl Irish boy recalled (5) - NADIA<- )
14/15 - Demolishes residence and gets a standing ovation? (6,3,5,4) - BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN [CD]
17 - Individual going round eastern capital (5) - S{E}OUL
19 - Dancer, demure, attending a masquerade with the Queen in Austria's capital (5,9) - {PRIM}{A BALL}{ER}{IN}{A}
22 - Like Humpty-Dumpty, round and vacant? (5) - {O}{VOID}
23 - Not up to guarding 10? That's indefensible (9) - UN{TEN}ABLE
24 - Aryan rule? Unfortunately, for about 354 days (5,4) - LUNAR YEAR*
25 - Group inside makes us highclass Japanese dish (5) - SUSHI [T]
1 - Ring everybody after end of epic (4) - {C}ALL
2 - Paid no attention to grid, one printed incorrectly (7) - IGNORED*
3 - Cocktail made up by British boys (6,9) - {B}{RANDY} {ALEXANDER}
4 - Poke fun at head of eatinghouse following meals (5) - TEAS{E}
5 - Amend drawing to include new flag (3,6) - RED E{N}SIGN
6 - Girl got mounts over a jumps racetrack here in New York (8,7) - {SARA}{TOG*}{A} {SPRINGS}
7 - Descriptive phrase used by English PM about ambassador (7) - {E}{PIT{HE}T}
8 - After end of round, is hospital attendant confused? (10) - {D}{IS}{ORDERLY}
12 - Stealthily searching her plot now, surprisingly (2,3,5) - ON THE PROWL*
14 - Lose one's temper and hit a female before work (4,1,4) - {BLOW} A {F}{USE}
16 - Odd coin in vase depicting imaginary creature (7) - U{NICO*}RN
18 - A number of books in one vehicle (7) - {OMNI}{BUS}
20 - Departed on river afterwards (5) - {LATE}{R}
21 - One was first to go round shop (4) - {DEL}{I}<-


  1. Col,

    How exactly does 3 down work out? I didn't get the annotation.


  2. 3d: Slightly fixing the anno, it's Br., Andy, Alexander - two boys' names after Br. for British.

  3. Randy is also a name and B for British, so it can work both ways
