Thursday 16 April 2009

No 9508, Thursday, 16 Apr 09, M. Manna

Over to Manna from today, lots of new words, needed a lot of thinking and crosschecking of meanings to get the right answers
 1 - Seaboard churning up ocean silt (9) – COASTLINE*
 6 - Beam like Her Majesty after 50 (5) – {L}{AS}{ER}
 9 - All including a young child and Al (5) – {TOT}{AL}
10 - Being furious about subordinate, egg-head made complaint (9) – MA{UNDER}{E}D New word for me
11 - Turn the corner and create pure chaos (10) – RECUPERATE*
12 - Separate with violence to cause pain (4) – TEAR [DD]
14 - New flat with Ron has a pediment over a door (7) – FRONTAL*
15 - Engraving can be done on very soft tiles (7) – STI{PP}LE* Another new word for me
17 - Mournful in hotel eg I acknowledged (7) – ELEGIAC [T]
19 - Goes out of the French constituents (7) – {DE}{PARTS}
20 - Access of little force? (4) – GATE ?
22 - Taking off the stamp (10) – IMPRESSION [DD]
25 - Watch what musicians do with a metronome (9) – TIMEPIECE [DD]
26 - Keen to somehow agree (5) – EAGER*
27 - Serves as a cavalryman (5) – RIDES [CD]
28 - Confident the new variety of aster will bring in prizes (9) – TREA{SURE}S*
 1 - To provide food for (5) – CATER [CD]
 2 - Flower pictures I suppress (9) – {ART}{I}{CHOKE} Artichoke by itself does not indicate a flower
 3 - Giving some thought to others (10) – TELEPATHIC [CD]
 4 - Dissolute, but I’m getting the message (7) – {IM}{MORAL}
 5 - Reduces to a common standard of comparison (7) – EQUATES [DD]
 6 - Load we hear, out of an open ditch (4) – LODE (~load)
 7 - Russian clothing material (5) – SERGE [DD]
 8 - Without a clause added to an already complete contract (9) – RIDERLESS [CD]
13 - Won’t let you have anymore (10) – DISPOSSESS [CD]
14 - About to enter an aircraft carrier (9) - F{RE}IGHTER
16 - Dish served by midshipman or his double (9) – {PO}{R}{RINGER} Yet another new word, however origin of second R not clear, moreover midshipman cannot be PO as PO stands for Petty Officer
18 - Tom with large number of men made an observation (7) - {C}{OM{MEN}T*} No anagram indicator for Tom
19 - She may be a born leader (7) – DARLE{N}E*
21 - I’d make out Tim to be a coward (5) – TIMID*
23 - Annoying persons who curry favour? (5) - NARKS [DD] Annoying person from Aus/NZ Last new word learnt for the day
24 - A piano is a god to some (4) – {A}{P}IS


  1. 16D: The anno is probably P (middle of shiPman) OR (from the clue) RINGER

  2. 18D: "made" is the indicator. The whole thing - TOM + C + MEN is anagrammed together.

  3. About anagrams, I had more of a problem with 21D. If "make out" is the indicator then it shouldn't be between the fodder, if "to be" is then "make out" is spoiling the fodder. Or is it not an anagram at all but somehow trying to say, put I'D after TIM?

    2D: Artichoke by itself does not indicate a flower: I thought so too, but then got this second definition from
    the large, rounded, closed flower head itself.

    I thought 11A and 14D were pretty neat.

  4. Shuchi,
    Thanks fo the comments.
    Yes I too thought 11A and 14D were good clues.
    10A, 15A and 16D had me foxed for quite a while till I put it together and checked out the meanings, the words not being ones found in common usage

  5. I think the second meaning for Gate comes from this
    "A tail gate assist is provided for an open trailer and includes an elastic member mounted so as to provide assistance in raising the tail gate without substantially adding to the force required to open the tail gate. "
